As for your first screenshot, it appears you are wanting to know how to change the text color that appears in a post:
Keep in mind that altering these sections of code will also alter other areas of your forum that are linked to that same code. It is linked to the following areas of text:
a) post text
b) text used on new post/no new post legend
c) date/time post was made that appears at the top of the post while it is being viewed
d) default news fader text
e) 90% of the text in your admin panel
Edit your css code and look for the following:
/* By default (td, body..) use verdana in black. */
body, td, th , tr
color: #000000;
font-size: small;
font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
Change the "color" to the color you are wanting to use, click save, then refresh your entire browser.
Next screenshot:
The box you have indicated is called the windowbg area and when that code is altered will affect the following areas of your forum:
a) The box on the main page that shows # of topics/posts
b) When viewing list of topics, the area that shows "replies" and "Views"
c) a portion of the text on your main Admin CP page.
Edit your css code and look for the following:
/* Alternating backgrounds for posts, and several other sections of the forum. */
color: #000000;
background-color: #ECEDF3;
Change the "color" to the color you are wanting to use. Click Save, then refresh your entire browser.
The last screenshot:
The text on your profile page is black by default. You have changed an area in your css code to white that also alters that area. You need to go back through what you have changed until you find the area that affects the text in that area and either change it back to black or change it to another color other than white so the text will show up.