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Author Topic: ?var = $var  (Read 5638 times)

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?var = $var
« on: April 24, 2009, 09:45:44 pm »
Hi, I am currently developing a turn-based game using PHP & MySQL and have a decent start with it, however I am having one problem and that is with the profile pages. I have the site setup so that when you view your profile(say your id was 1) it would display however if I switch to (the account of my graphics guy) it displays the same information as the ?u=1 page.

Here is the profile.php page:
Code: [Select]
// Program File: Home.php
// Profram Description: The page that contains all the news, and events, along with welcoming the user.
// Start Session
// Redirect User If They Are Not Authorized
if($_SESSION['auth'] != 'y'
header("Location: index.php");

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<h1><a href="">Acacian Adventures</a></h1>
<h2><a href="" id="metamorph">The Adventure Has Begun... ...Which Side Will You Choose?</a></h2>
<div id="menu">
<li><a href="index.php"  title="">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/forums" title="">Forums</a></li>
    <div class="box">
include "profile_includes.php";
$head_stmt "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid='$u_id'";
$head_query mysql_query($head_stmt) or die( mysql_error() );
$head_fetch mysql_fetch_array($head_query) or die( mysql_error() );

$header $head_fetch['username'];

</h2><br />
<h4>Biography</h4><br />
include "profile_includes.php";


<h4>User Statistics</h4>
include "profile_includes.php";
<table border='0' width='150px'>

  <div id="left">
        <div id="top"></div>
<div id="left_back">
<h3>Player Information</h3>
<div class="title_back">

<br />
<div id="left_back">
<h3>Personal Space</h3>
<div class="title_back">

<br />
<div class="title_back">

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<h3>Staff List</h3>
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Here is the profile_includes.php page:
Code: [Select]
// Connect To Database
$host '***';
$user '***';
$pass '***';
$data '***';
mysql_connect($host$user$pass) or die( 'There was an error connecting to MySQL: ' mysql_error() );
mysql_select_db($data) or die( 'MySQL Couldn\'t Select The Databse: ' mysql_error() );

// Starter Variables
$un $_SESSION['id'];

// User Table
$u_stmt "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = '$un'";
$u_query mysql_query($u_stmt) or die( mysql_error() );
$u_fetch mysql_fetch_array($u_query) or die( mysql_error() );

$u_id $u_fetch['userid'];
$u_age $u_fetch['age'];
$u_bio $u_fetch['bio'];
$u_name $u_fetch['username'];
$u_email $u_fetch['email'];
$u_r_name $u_fetch['f_name'] . ' ' $u_fetch['l_name'];
$u_staff_notes $u_fetch['staff_notes'];
$version $u_fetch['version'];
$access_level $u_fetch['access_level'];

I realize that the $un variable is $_SESSION but when I switch it to the $_GET to attempt to grab it from the url it doesn't work(i've read this in tuts but it doesn't seem to work) and I get the error message of

Notice: Undefined index: userid in C:\wamp\www\testing\profile_includes.php on line 11

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Colette Brunel

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Re: ?var = $var
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2009, 05:22:17 pm »
$_GET can only be grabbed when the actual parameter is in the URL. $_POST should be used if it is sent through a form.

I would use $_REQUEST to do this, and you aren't cleaning your information at all or checking anything-- which is very bad.


$un = (isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? (integer) $_GET['id'] : 0);

Offline Colette Brunel

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Re: ?var = $var
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2009, 05:26:41 pm »
A second look, and I see this:

Code: [Select]
  if($_SESSION['auth'] != 'y')
header("Location: index.php");

If session is not given, you would get an undefined issue. Make sure $_SESSION['auth'] exists before putting it in a conditional statement. Likewise, the headers sent (location) won't work properly on other browsers (like Chrome and Safari) without a "status" being sent first.

When you're grabbing your information from the db, you should loop it all into an assoc array and then clear the db request using mysql_free_result(), and then use the array to build your data in a foreach() loop for every member as the array will be filled properly by request.

You should use require_once() on your file calls as using include(), on fail, would cause the script to continue running when I'm pretty sure you don't intend or want that to happen.

If you need assistance, I can help you rewrite some portions.