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Zelda classic downloads,info,help

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What Is ZC?
Zelda Classic is a tribute to (what we think is) the greatest video game of all time: Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda. It has been developed into an exact replica of the NES version that we all know and love. Beyond that, Zelda Classic allows the development of new quests that can use either the traditional graphics or enhanced graphics, as well as new enemies, items, and challenges.

Though it was started as a basic Legend of Zelda clone by programmer Phantom Menace in April of 1999, Zelda Classic has grown into something much bigger in the past few years. A full LOZ replica was achieved by June of 2000, with Zelda Classic version 1.84, but the story didnt end there. Although Phantom Menace moved on to other projects, Fans of Zelda Classic wanted more.

Also as you can tell above there is full screen ans half screen modes to playing zc and there is also versions for windows and more!

Fast forward to after about a year of searching for a new programmer, when Dark Nation comes to Armageddon Games, and breathes new life into what seemed like a dying beast. Within weeks, a new version of Zelda Classic is released, and it's popularity soars. Zelda Classic 1.90, introduced a list of new features, and with it's addition to, Armageddon Games is flooded with about 3000+ new members in a manner of months!

Zelda Classic 1.90 was not without it's problems though. A few bugs, such as the now infamous 'Cannot find 1st.qst' bug, and occasional runtime errors would frustrate users. It was felt that ZC 1.90 was rushed out, to appease the waiting masses. The mistake wouldn't happen again.

Many features have been added in the past few years. Now, instead of being merely a Legend of Zelda Clone, Zelda Classic has become so much more. With ZQuest, Zelda Classic's Quest Creator, anyone can make their very own quest from scratch, and now, with all of the features that have been added in the past years, the possibilities are virtually endless for the style of quest you can make. If you can imagine it, you can create it (provided it's in 8-bit color). Quests have grown larger and longer, into seemingly epic games, that can take days, if not weeks to complete. With ZQuest, you can create your own original graphics, or import them from any game you like. In the past we've seen ZC versions of LEXX, (many versions of) Mega Man, Metroid and Super Mario Brothers, all in the classic quest style. As well as hundreds upon hundreds of first rate custom Zelda Quests.

After three years of waiting, and many new features being added to ZC behind closed doors, it finally seems like a new version of Zelda Classic is on the horizon. Now in final development and testing, the next version of Zelda Classic is sure to please gamers and creators, and introduce a new generation to the greatest game of all time, The Legend of Zelda.


here is the down load for zelda classic Have fun and if you need help with zc ask me.DOWNLOAD THIS AND PLAY RIGHT AWAY

Here you can Download Zelda Classic, as well as any utilities, or third party programs developed specifically for use with Zelda Classic. If you are searching for Custom Quest files, please visit the Quest Database.
NOTE: If you have trouble downloading a file, try refreshing this page.


 Download Zelda Classic:
Zelda Classic v2.10 - Windows Version 5.3mb
Version 2.10 marks the first ZC release in a very long time. Released on New Years Day, 2005, ZC 2.10 brings many of the features that Zelda Classic Fans have been hoping for, into reality.
There is a windows version, as well as a DOS version. Mac and Linux versions are in the works but are not publicly available yet.
Programmers: Dark Nation, fatcatfan

Zelda Classic v1.92 "The 184 Player" 3.25mb
The 184 Player contained many bugfixes and a few updates, and was released so people could enjoy some of the quests that have been made with beta versions of ZC.
This includes the ZC game only only, not Zquest, although you can play custom quests with it.
Programmers: Dark Nation, fatcatfan
Zelda Classic v1.92 Beta183 2.82mb
Most Recent Public Beta - Very Stable, but can be buggy.
WARNING: Use of beta versions is at the user's risk. They're made public to make bug detection easier. No support will be given for Beta Versions.
Programmers: Dark Nation, fatcatfan

Zelda Classic v1.92 Beta163 2.30mb
Public Beta - Very Stable, but can be buggy.
WARNING: Use of beta versions is at the user's risk. They're made public to make bug detection easier. No support will be given for Beta Versions.
Programmer: Dark Nation

Zelda Classic v1.90 2.53mb
DOS Version - Many Added features, such as the hookshot, and swim fins.
Most current stable release
Programmer: Dark Nation
Have fun playing zelda classic.

                                        HELP/INFO FOR ZELDA CLASSIC

Passwords used to protect ZC quest files are not stored in a secure manner. They are
obfuscated, but anyone who has access to your .qst and really wants to can probably discover the password used to protect that quest in a number of different ways, depending on the person. This isn't such a big deal, but if you use the same password on a quest that you use to access the forums or elsewhere, potentially anyone can obtain that password. In short


How to get Zelda Classic working on your PC.
Start by downloading and unzipping all files into a new folder of their own, "ZCBeta" would be a good folder name.

Depending on what version you download, your files should look something like this;

(list of files for the 192b182 beta program)
zelda (shortcut)

Now that all these files are there with the exception of maybe the ag.cfg and the Allegro log you need to get the program to write those for you as well.
Double click on "zquest-w.exe", when ZQuest opens, click on ETC at the top right and play lost woods midi.
Click on ETC and turn the music off, and exit ZQuest by clicking on FILE then EXIT.

You should now be able to play the games.
Double click on "zelda-w.exe" and when the flames come up press "Enter" on your keyboard.
Press Enter again to pass the Zelda intro screen.
Register a name, and press enter and the first quest will be ready to play.
Enter the name "zelda" if you would prefer to play the second quest.


How to load custom quests in Zelda Classic
1) Double click on zelda-w.exe
2) Press "Enter" to pass the flames.
3) Press "Enter" to pass the Zelda intro screen.
4) register a name, and press enter.
5) press "A" (Alt)
6) Press "A" (Alt) again
7) browse to the quest you want to play, choose it and press "ok"
press "Enter" to play.
The above steps assume you have put the custom quest in the folder with Zelda Classic


Is this a free/freeware game or an illegal cracked game?

freeware i believe

What know this is the real zelda classic game maker it comes with the first ever zelda game already go here and see this site is dedecated for this there is over 150 zelda games for zelda classic here you can get more info there.

I dont need more info on the game. I simply asked you whether the game was freeware (meaning the game is free) or if the makers of the game charge for it. If they charge for it, your post is against the SMF For Free Terms of Service because it means you have posted illegel ftp download links.


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