General Stuff > PC Games

New RuneScape2 updates

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la mod:
Yep, only 9,000 people on runescape atm.. that's sad  :'(

Totally, Runescape sucks Im so mad i had a lvl 3 skiller :) with 3 99's but now that I cant merchant i Can't train


--- Quote from: la mod on March 03, 2008, 11:08:45 pm ---Yep, only 9,000 people on runescape atm.. that's sad  :'(

--- End quote ---

no, it's OVER 9000!!!!!!1!1!!!!11!!!!11!1!!!!


--- Quote from: glough on May 11, 2008, 06:21:38 pm ---
--- Quote from: la mod on March 03, 2008, 11:08:45 pm ---Yep, only 9,000 people on runescape atm.. that's sad  :'(

--- End quote ---

no, it's OVER 9000!!!!!!1!1!!!!11!!!!11!1!!!!

--- End quote ---
That reply was over two months ago.

Forum Url:
the new update.which is selected full pk(player kill) worlds should be awesome.
i qoute mod mark. "ever wanted to say hey stop chopping my try befor i kill you,well now you can"...sounds like some good fun.full world is wildy...


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