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Board Subject Topics Posts
Announcements Latest news and information about 151 212
General Discussion Anything related to the SMF For Free service. 318 3294
Suggestions Have a cool a suggestion for SMF For Free, or a cool idea for the website then post it here! 609 3855
General Support Need help with your free SMF For Free board? Then this is the place where you should post. 10087 60590
Guides and Tutorials This is the forum where you can find guides and tutorials on the SMF For Free service. 159 2005
Stylesheet Codes Different looks for your SMF For Free forum. Change the images and overall style of your forum 438 2578
Stylesheet Requests and Support Request personalized stylesheets here and get support for stylesheets here 957 4895
SMF For Free Codes and Support Codes for your SMF For Free forum. Codes for headers and footers, and images url to use. 897 8420
Code Requests Request personalized codes to change the inner-workings of your SMF For Free forum 459 2463
Bugs Found a bug? If it is critical please email us. Otherwise just post as much information as you can on the problem. 198 1210
General Chat General Discussion not related to the SMF For Free service. Just talk about everything here. 892 7126
Advertise Your Board This is the place to advertise your SMF For Free forum One topic per board! 1878 1894
Programming Talk about various programming languages in this forum. 37 215
HTML Disucss HTML,XHTML 31 190
JavaScript Talk about JavaScript scripting. 35 198
C,C++ Talk about programming in C,C++ 7 32
Java Talk about programing in Java 33 104
.Net Talk about .Net includes C#, and 1 8
PHP Talk about PHP server side scripting 17 79
Visual Basic Talk about Visual Basic Programming. 8 44
Gaming Discuss the latest pc and video games in this forum. 60 423
PC Games Talk about PC games. 50 384
Nintendo Talk about Nintendo consoles and video games. 32 385
Playstation Talk about the Playstation/PSP console and video games. 31 197
Xbox / Xbox 360 Talk about Xbox console and video games for it 36 269
Graphics A place to show graphics and artwork you made! Or request images. 1859 13501
Living Avatars Place any living avatars graphics that you have designed in this forum! 13 75