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Messages - taogem

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 57
General Support / Re: Both Forums Are Down ?
« on: January 07, 2019, 03:21:02 pm »
Thank you :)

General Support / Both Forums Are Down ?
« on: January 07, 2019, 05:34:02 am »
Nothing seems to be working today ..

Chinese Snuff Bottle Forum

Lapidary / Gemstone Forum

General Support / Re: Service Unavailable
« on: December 24, 2018, 12:33:29 pm »
Many thanks and happy holidays SMF  8)

General Support / Service Unavailable
« on: December 24, 2018, 02:00:24 am »

I am getting this fairly often as I navigate and do different functions through out the forum lately.. 

I removed the poll from that topic. At the very bottom of the thread there is a link called remove poll click that it and it will remove the poll.
I did review your permissions didn't see any issues.

I did do a couple minor fixes on your site for the forum to be secure for certain images and in the css.

Also if you are members are missing pictures from old sites check out wayback machine you might be able to recover them. Either enter the thread url or the direct image url.

Good grief.. After all this time, I did not see that remove poll at the bottom !  What  moron I am !  I kept trying from the poll itself.. Guess I can see how I over looked it as that tab only shows itself when there is a poll to remove.

Also thank you so very much for taking a look and cleaning up the place a bit. 

Your the best :)


Another poll popped up today on a brand new topic..

I already set the guests settings so that all they can really do is navigate the forum..

Can not figure this out, and am not able to remove them.

General Support / Re: Attachments Question
« on: October 11, 2018, 07:09:36 pm »
Thank you SMF  :)

General Support / Re: Attachments Question
« on: October 11, 2018, 03:11:12 am »
There is no automatic setting that deletes files over a period of a time.


Can you give me a brief description of what the "maintain" link does ?  Does it just remove attachments older than 25 days, and those larger than 100 kb ?

General Support / Attachments Question
« on: October 10, 2018, 09:50:08 pm »

I just want to make sure I understand this correctly..

The "File Attachment Options" only take affect if I go through the "maintain" step, correct ?

Looking at the settings, there is no reason why images and avatars should ever be removed unless I do the "maintain" step, correct ?

The reason I ask, is that when I view "browse files" it shows 658 pages of attachments, but there are several hundred of those pages that are blank.

The forum for what ever reason has lost a lot of images over time. I am not completely sure why, and just want to make sure that ther is not some kind of automated setting that is deleting attachments after a specific set period of time and for some reason the forum is loosing attachments.

General Support / Re: How To Remove A Few Tabs/Features
« on: October 10, 2018, 05:46:10 am »
Thank you !  :)

General Support / Re: How To Remove A Few Tabs/Features
« on: October 09, 2018, 03:03:25 pm »
Your the best...

If you have time could you remove these two at my other forum please ?

Gallery, Links, and Staff List 

General Support / Re: How To Remove A Few Tabs/Features
« on: October 09, 2018, 06:12:41 am »
Yes they can be

Gallery-  Admin -> Configuration -> Gallery configuration -> bottom of settings page If you wish to uninstall this mod click UnInstall now

When I hit "uninstall now" , it just takes me to the gallery.. Did not uninstall it..

General Support / How To Remove A Few Tabs/Features
« on: October 08, 2018, 05:32:51 am »

There are some tabs top of forum that would like to remove..

Downloads, Gallery, Staff List, and Calendar

Can these be removed ?

General Support / Re: Increasing the Size of Member Profile Pics
« on: October 04, 2018, 12:32:54 am »
Just for the record in case someone else stumbles onto this question..

Changing those height and width numbers does work, it is just does not automatically change the size for any members avatars.

Each member needs to re-upload a new image to get the new larger size to work.

Also, for what ever reason, uploading an image from my computer never did work, I had to use a image url.. But even that took several attempts before it did finally work.

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