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Messages - taogem

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 57
General Support / Can't Log In
« on: February 17, 2024, 08:12:59 pm »
My computer did an update and now I can not get logged in. Thought I knew both my log in username and password, but nothing I try works. Tried to use the reset link but not getting an email to reset.

Help  ???

General Support / Re: How To Link A 16 GB Database Within My Sidebar
« on: January 11, 2024, 12:17:02 am »
Ok, thank you :)

General Support / How To Link A 16 GB Database Within My Sidebar
« on: January 10, 2024, 11:25:40 pm »
What do I need to do in order to be able and link to a 16 GB database, 20,000 files that is currently in a folder on my computer? Would like to link to it from within my forum sidebar.

General Support / Re: Initial Creating of a Forum
« on: January 21, 2021, 11:16:00 pm »
Thank you...  :)

If I remember correctly, you are not offering the same SMF for Free software that I have used in the past ?  I should maybe start using the Create a Forum support boards ?

Is the original SMF for Free software still available ? Just kind of sucks a little to go through the learning curve for the "new to me" software..

General Support / Initial Creating of a Forum
« on: January 21, 2021, 06:25:27 pm »

I don't recall caring one way or the other while initially creating my past two forums..  But this time will take much more research and time in putting my next idea together for another forum.

What do I need to do for making sure this new one does not appear online until I am ready ?

General Support / Re: Can't Get Into Forum
« on: May 14, 2020, 12:23:10 pm »
All is well again !

General Support / Re: Can't Get Into Forum
« on: May 14, 2020, 12:01:10 pm »
What is as weird, is I am having the exact same problem with accessing Google..

Anyone else ?

General Support / Re: Can't Get Into Forum
« on: May 14, 2020, 09:31:22 am »
Nothing at all now..

General Support / Re: Can't Get Into Forum
« on: May 14, 2020, 08:25:50 am »

General Support / Re: Social Media Sharing Links
« on: January 25, 2020, 04:43:20 pm »
No worries about it SMF..  Not that big of a deal..

Have a great day !

General Support / Re: Social Media Sharing Links
« on: January 24, 2020, 10:44:14 pm »
Thank you SMF..

Strange though that the image included with the Facebook post is a photo from within the forum's side bar, and not an image connected to the actual topic being shared to Facebook ..

General Support / Social Media Sharing Links
« on: January 24, 2020, 08:49:50 pm »
Never tried it before today..  When I click on the Facebook logo beneath the topics first post, this error message pops up.

General Support / Thank you SMF
« on: September 06, 2019, 05:32:43 am »
Just felt like saying thank you for keeping things running so smoothly.  Can not even recall the last time I had to come here because of forum issues.

Your tops and I am really glad to have chosen you and your software for my forum.

Have a great day !

General Support / Re: Both Forums Are Down ?
« on: January 10, 2019, 04:55:28 am »
Thank you..

Hey, I have noticed how quiet things have been on this SMF for Free Support Forum..

Should I be posting over at the Create a Forum support forum ?

I thought the SMF forums were on separate servers than the Create a Forum, and that SMF and Create a Forum software were different and required separate support.

General Support / Re: Both Forums Are Down ?
« on: January 10, 2019, 02:10:48 am »
It's back...

Both forums are down again..

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