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Topics - deathwilldie

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Graphics / Photoshop Tutorial - Reflecting Text
« on: November 08, 2007, 09:27:44 pm »
Forum Url:
Well here is a tutorial of how to reflect text in photoshop.  Enjoy! ;)

Graphics / [tut] GIMP Making Wires
« on: October 14, 2007, 06:50:35 pm »
Forum Url:
Create a new image, go to "Layers, Channels & Paths". Create a new path by clicking on .  Use to modify the points.

Select a brush (Circle 07 should be good):

Select a color. Not too bright (R:127 G:31 B:0 gives a nice dark red). Click on to stroke the path:

Select a fuzzy brush (in our case Cirle Fuzzy 07):

Select a brighter color (I used R:255 G:63 B:0). Stroke the path again:

Source:the Gimp User Group

Find more tutorials at

Graphics / [tutorial]Adding an Image from The internet to Photo Shop
« on: October 14, 2007, 06:14:50 pm »
Forum Url:

To get a better view of it go to Ultimate Graphics

Forum Url:
How to make Matellic or shiny plastic Balls using  photoshop techniques.

[1] Take a new file of 400 pixels by400 pixels and resolution of 72 dpi in the RGB mode:

[2] Fill the Background with color Black then go to Filter>Rendar>Lens Flare and put exactly what the image shows then press OK:

[3] Your image should be look like this:

[4] Go to Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates and put what this image has:

[5] Then go to Image> Rotate Canvas> 180:

[6] Your image should be look like this.

[7] Go to Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates.

[8] Your image look like this.

[9] Then take the Rectangular Marquee Tool and create a circle as shown image below.

[10] Then right click select the Layer Via Cut.

[11] Your image should be look like this.

[12] Now Delete the Background layer and create a new layer.

[13] Then press the Cntl+T, to Transfrom selection. (Edit->Free Transform)

[14] Press Cnlt+B, to Color Balance, use the following settings.

[15] Your final image should be look like this.

If you want different colors for the Balls just change the color ballance stuff.


Graphics / Taking Graphics Request
« on: October 13, 2007, 08:51:33 pm »
Forum Url:
Right now I am taking Graphics Request.  The problem is that I don't know how to make good User bars so if you want anything else then you can ask me.  I just need you to use this template.

Code: [Select]
[b]Image:(a link to the image)[/b]
[b]Any thing else?[/b]

Advertise Your Board / Ultimate Graphics
« on: October 12, 2007, 11:32:11 pm »
Forum Url:
Ultimate Graphics is a New great graphics forum.  Your able to get graphics request and render request also.  We have places were you can show off all the graphics you have made so far.  We also have Photoshop tutorials and GIMP tutorials so you can learn how to make graphics your - self also.  So if you just like to make graphics or look at them then join Ultimate Graphics

Graphics / deathwilldie's Avatars
« on: October 06, 2007, 11:02:02 pm »
Forum Url:
Well here is an avatar that I have made.  I just got bored one day so I did it.

Graphics / deathwilldie's graphics
« on: October 03, 2007, 08:50:42 pm »
Well here are my graphics.  I have been making graphics for a while now.

Stylesheet Requests and Support / Stylesheet disappears
« on: July 07, 2007, 10:53:37 pm »
Well this skin wont stay.  When ever I use it and I go to a different forum then when I come back its not on it.  Like the forum doesn't have a style sheet.  But any other skins work for it.

Stylesheet Requests and Support / Forum Help
« on: July 04, 2007, 01:40:04 pm »
Ok I went to my forum today and my forum was messed up and I am guessing that its was from the Style Sheet but I tried to fix it but it didn't work.  Well here is how it looks.

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Affiliate Code
« on: June 16, 2007, 05:53:27 pm »
This is a new Affiliate box but I didn't make it I just edited it so it would work for SMF.  The problem is that it may take a while for it to load.  Sorry For posting this again but I was on my brothers account and I didn't see that when I posted it.  So here it is again.  Sorry Again.


Just put this code into your Headers if you want it to show at top or in the footers if you want it to show at the bottom.

Code: [Select]
<!-- Affiliate Box Code Edited by deathwilldie from Simple Machine Codes (>
<div style="text-align:center">
<table width="65%" align="center" border="0"><tr><td>
<div class="tborder">
<div class="catbg" align="left" style="text-align:left">
<center>TITLE NAME</center>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4"><tr><td class="row1">
href="FORUM URL HERE" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGE URL HERE" /></marquee>
</td></tr></table></div></td></tr></table></div><br />

To make the image appear in the box and the image to go to the right forums just change the FORUM URL HERE to the forum url that you want the image to go to and then change the IMAGE URL HERE to the url of the image.

To add more Affiliates just add more of these after each one that you have like so.

Code: [Select]
href="FORUM URL HERE" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGE URL HERE">

If you are going to add more just make it look like this

Code: [Select]
href="FORUM URL HERE" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGE URL HERE">
href="FORUM URL HERE" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGE URL HERE">

Thats all you need and I hope that you like the code.

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Random Affiliates Box
« on: June 07, 2007, 10:59:26 pm »
This is the first Random Affiliate Box that I had some help making.
Here is a Preview of it.  Its at the very bottom of the page and at the top.

First you will need to put it in the Footers if you want it at the Bottom of the page.  If you want it at the top then put it in the headers it doesn't matter.

Code: [Select]
//Created by deathwilldie of SMF Codes at
var tItLe="TITLE HERE"
var randomizer=Math.round(Math.random()*AffNum)
var affs=[]
document.write("<table align='center' width='200' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1'><th class='windowbg2' align='center'>"+tItLe+"</th><tr><td class='catbg' align='center'><a href='"+affs[e][1]+"'><img src='"+affs[e][2]+"' /></a></td></tr></table>") }}

Now its time to learn were to put the Title of the Affiliates Box.  Find this part.

Code: [Select]
var tItLe="TITLE HERE"
All you do is change the TITLE HERE part in it.

Next is the part were you put the affiliates in.

Find this part
Code: [Select]
affs[0]=["0","SITE_URL","IMAGE_URL"];For the SITE_URL you put the Url of the site that you want the image to go to.
For the IMAGE_URL you put the image for the site.

Now adding more Affiliates
Directly Beneath
Make sure to increase the number in red by one everytime you add a new affiliate

Example of how to work code.
//Created by deathwilldie of SMF Codes at
var tItLe="Title Here"
var AffNum="5"
var randomizer=Math.round(Math.random()*AffNum)
var affs=[]

document.write("<table align='center' width='200' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1'><th class='maintitle' align='center'>"+tItLe+"</th><tr><td class='row4' align='center'><a href='"+affs[e][1]+"'><img src='"+affs[e][2]+"' /></a></td></tr></table>") }}
see how the bold red number equals the largest number of all the other red numbers. or the ammount of affiliates plus one.

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Translater
« on: May 29, 2007, 05:47:21 pm »
Here is a code for a Translater so other people that know different languages can see your forum.  I did not make this I found it on a website.  So please don't credit me with the making of it because I didn't make it.

All you do is put it into your footers
Code: [Select]
<script language="JavaScript1.2" src=""></script>

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Simple Member Legend
« on: May 24, 2007, 05:18:54 pm »
Well this is a very simple member legend but its the first one I have made. 

Its at the bottom of the page

Were it goes: Admin --> Manage Styles --> Edit Headers/Footers --> Footers

Code: [Select]
<!--Member Legend made by Deathwilldie (>
<center><table width="50%" border="0">
<tr><th class="windowbg2">Member Legend</th></tr>
<tr><td class='catbg'>
<center><font color="COLOR">Administrator</font> | <font color="COLOR">Moderator</font> | <font color="COLOR">Member</font> | <font color=COLOR>Banned</font> </center>

To change the color of the Names just change the COLOR part in the code to the color that you want.

To add more parts to the Legend Keep adding one of these right before the </center> Tag.
Code: [Select]
| <font color=COLOR>Banned</font>
Your also able to change the names on the Legend to fit your forums staff or members and things like that.

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] News Box
« on: May 18, 2007, 02:43:40 pm »
Here is a preview of the news box Preview

This code goes into your headers if you want it at the top of your page or you are able to put it in the footers if you want it at the bottom of your page.

Code: [Select]
<!--News Box-->
<!--Code created by deathwilldie at>
<center><table width="50%" border="0">
<tr><th class="windowbg2">ANNOUNCEMENTS</th></tr>
<tr><td class='catbg'>
<marquee direction='up' scrollamount="1" onmouseover="this.scrollAmount='0'" onmouseout="this.scrollAmount='1'" height='50' style='text-align: center'>
<br /><br /><br />
<b>NEWS!!!</b><br />THIS CODE NOW WORKS!!!
<br /><br /><br /><br />

Things you can change - These things are what your able to change to make it say what you want it to say.

Just change the things that I told you can change above.  If you change anything else the code may not work properly.

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