No change... Still have the some problems weeks later. I have tried registering on my phone and on my computer.
Firefox will not work. You can sign in with ffirefox but you cannot register with firefox..Chrome works just fine.
Still would like to eliminate music We r now called spiritual I called GoDaddy They told me that smf needs to take the 'parked' name out. They cannot do it. I cannot do it. You people at smfforfree are the people that can do it. Please.... We are no longer musicmeditate. We are
Hmm I tested on my computer using firefox. that is my main browser. Clear your cache.
The other issue could be the iframe you are using you for your domain name since it is not truly parked try using
i cleaned my history and still have the same problem. If it is an issue with my iframe... why is it that i can register with Chrome but not with Firefox?
We are no longer nor do we use this address.
We are
How do i eliminate ??
Thank You