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Topics - Zelkova

Pages: [1]
Code Requests / Factions images or image depending on account number
« on: February 25, 2013, 03:12:09 pm »
More of a question of if this is even possible but if someone have something like this that would work then I will also accept that.

I want either one or the other or at least know if they are possible or impossible.

A way to have an image added to users accounts depending on account number last digit. Example would be:
1-3 = Red team
4-6 = Blue team
7-9 = Green team
0 = Gold team

And have it possible to edit as needed. As a forum event for example part of the red and blue team form to make a new purple team. Making it:
1-2 = red
3-4 = purple
5-6 = blue
7-9 = green
0 = gold

The other idea is much more simpler but it is simply having an image posted that depending on the person IP or account number if possible that person will see his team.

I not asking someone to go out of their way to make something like this but if you have something close to it or at least know if it would be possible or impossible then I would be grateful.

Bugs / Pictures glitch up the poll.
« on: April 04, 2012, 03:40:10 pm »
Having a poll with usernames work perfectly no matter if there may be up to 60 usernames on the poll at any given time and you been editing the same poll for over 10+ matches.

Yet when I did a "Forum's Favorite Pokemon" tournament I decided to use pictures to make things easier. After a single use the poll software become useless. The poll like to switch around and in some cases even delete entries. Editing the poll simply can't be done if pictures are involved. I of course try it again to make sure it wasn't a random glitch. This glitch can be done again and again on command.

So far after every match I had to delete the old poll thread and replace it with a new one just to end up deleting that the next day.

Is there something I not aware of when it come to using image tags in a poll?

I would give a forum link but honestly this isn't my forum. I just the next highest rank possible. The forum don't have any special features or codes. The theme itself is even the default. The true owner quit a while back and no one is willing to move to a new forum.

Here an example:

This poll don't glitch up as I don't use pictures but as you can see the order of the entries is very importation. The tags that I use for my picture polls would be

Code: [Select]
[hr] & [img]url here[/img]

I not necessary looking for a forum patch to fix this. I simply want to know what causing it so I know how to prevent it from happening.   

Advertise Your Board / Boredom Zone (a forum for mainly gamers)
« on: September 04, 2009, 05:58:44 pm »
Forum Url:

This forum is for anyone who is bored and want to search up something new. The idea is to exchange links and find cool flash games or even online games.

For those who are huge fans of Runescape, you may not want to join. This forum is for gamers meaning that players must like games. Runescape is just horrible and there a rule basically saying "don't talk about Runescape or Funorb", so beware.

Bugs / embarrassed smiley error
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:54:59 pm »
Not really a huge deal but it could always become a small fixed in the next update, just trying to be helpful. The smallest things can add up.  ;)

The embarrassed smiley seem to be glitched when the forum is created for the first time. The admin must go to the picture being used and replace it manually. Like I said, it not a huge deal. I created a test forum (used for codes) and a few other forums for my friend who running huge (well, was planning to be huge) projects. I mostly try to use (no number) because I am kinda a neat freak with that type of thing so I not sure if this is effecting 2, 3, 4(?).

While I have this thread up anyway, may I ask what up with I heard long time ago about a wiki type of thing and wanted to try it but I am unable to get on it. Have it been disable?

Code Requests / Request - Number of posts per day on a board
« on: March 31, 2009, 09:36:41 pm »
Edit: I not some random noob who join and ask something then just leave. I still here. - May 7

I know I a newbie and this request may not be made. I been keeping my eye on SMF forums for a while and love the fact that it is free and easy to use without doing any hosting site thing. I never saw the need to make an account until now.

I want to ask for a code that may or may not be possible. I want a board to be limited by a number of posts per day. This will be useful for a spam board to get your post count up (with the money code this will be very helpful), also you can post dragon eggs or any other clickable image without spamming the rest of the boards, and I think a few may come up with other special use of this code.

First off, if you can make it so the posts limit only count in that board before the limit take effect but also let the post count itself go up then you will be a god. I highly doubt you can do this. I still want the code, I can just give a warning about it somewhere on the forums and guessing others will do the same.

If you can make the board have a option of only be viewable before the posts then that will be a bonus. I highly doubt someone will need this as the idea will most likely be used for dragon cave fan forums and stuff like that.

So the above two are not needed but below is what would be needed.

Auto reset (the arcade have a way where you must post a few times per day before you can play and it reset on it own.) If you can somehow make it reset then that would be cool or at least a single click reset. If I had to reset 100+ members per day then it would kinda be useless.

Board show itself then hide without rank changing. (Or at least not a noticeable change.) Edit: When I said hide, I mean only if you choose to add the option of hiding it or not. Otherwise just make it so others can't post in it.

The board itself can be specially made (kinda like how the shop code have it own page for buying stuff) or it can be a real board with the limits added on with a code.

I will be checking this often.

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