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Topics - akl

Pages: [1]
Forum Url:
Is there anyway I can transfer all the topics posts and the members their post count and everything from one forum to another?
Could you please tell me the drawbacks and the good part

General Support / How to install mods
« on: July 16, 2008, 10:03:05 am »
Forum Url:
Can someone please explain in detail and not just leave a link to this.
I want to know how can I install a mod to my forum. Please check the forum. I don't even know how to check the version. I had this other forum, I knew the version of that. I don't know of this one :( Please help

SMF For Free Codes and Support / My many problems, AARGH!
« on: July 13, 2008, 03:32:40 pm »
Forum Url:
Okay, I have many problems, so first I'll type down my header & my footer. :)

Code: [Select]
<center><a href="">
<img src=""
border="0" alt="Calculated hits on the 8Grade site x:D"></a>
<br><a href="">page counter</a>
<script src="/jquery.js"></script></center>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">
<center><a href="¤t=8thgrade1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a></center>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var sc_ayt_params = {ayt_default : 'off'} ;

function warning_system(){
//Created by Agent Moose (
$(function() {
var warn = new Array()

$("td b a:contains("+warn[j][0]+")").after("<br><br><img src='"+warn[j][1]+"' /><font color='"+warn[j][2]+"'>"+warn[j][3]+"</font>")
<script type="text/javascript">
group_name_one = "Admin"
group_color_one = "red"
group_name_two = "Global Mod"
group_color_two = "green"
group_name_three = "Mod"
group_color_three = "darkgreen"
group_name_four = "vip"
group_color_four = "orange"
group_name_five = "member"
group_color_five = "black"
var username = $('td.titlebg2 span b').not($("td.titlebg2 span b:contains(News)").html();
var name = "+username+, Thanks for signing in! Enjoy your stay here, and get more members. You might get a staff position ;)"
var name = "Guest, I would appreciate it if you signed up for our forums. Please don't just take a look around sign up!"

Problem of this: I can't get the
Code: [Select]
var username = $('td.titlebg2 span b').not($("td.titlebg2 span b:contains(News)").html();
var name = "+username+, Thanks for signing in! Enjoy your stay here, and get more members. You might get a staff position ;)"
var name = "Guest, I would appreciate it if you signed up for our forums. Please don't just take a look around sign up!"
Neither the gorgeous legend to work.

Code: [Select]
<table width="1000" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="500" height="81" align="left" valign="top">
<img src="" width="500" height="81" alt="" /></td>
<td width="500" height="81" align="left" valign="top">
<img src="" width="500" height="81" alt="" /></td>
function name_across_board(){
//Created by Agent Moose (
var vfour = new Array()
vfour[vfour.length] = ["saad","Saad","red","<img src='' />"];
vfour[vfour.length] = ["OLD NAME","NEW NAME","purple","<img src='' />"];
vfour[vfour.length] = ["OLD NAME","NEW NAME","","<img src='' />"];
$("a[href*='u=']").each(function() {
this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace(vfour[f][0],"<font color='" + vfour[f][2] + "'>" + vfour[f][3] + vfour[f][(vfour[f][1] != "" ? 1 : 0)] + "</font>");
function smc_money_code(name,sign,amount){
//Created by Agent Moose at
c = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
if(c[v].className=="smalltext" && c[v].innerHTML.match(/Posts: (\d+)/)){
var total = amount * RegExp.$1;
c[v].innerHTML+="<br />" + name+": " + sign + total;
<script creator="Agent Moose" at="">
var boardname = "General Forum"
var News = "10 Members = Moderator Position
20 Members = Global moderator Position!
The G. Mod. has more powers here, if you get the following amount you get the position."
$("#bodyarea").before('<div id="news_box"><div class="tborder" style="margin-top: 1ex;"><div class="catbg" style="padding: 5px 5px 5px 10px;">'+boardname+' News</div><table id="upshrinkHeader2" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td class="titlebg2"></td></tr><div class="windowbg"><span id="section">'+News+'</span></div></table></div>');
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//How's My Post v1
//By slayer766 of

var $_Set = new Array();
$_Set = [50,125,200,250,345,500]

var $get_name = document.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;

//Word Counter By Godkillah of
function countChars(heyslay){
cookie=heyslay.split(" ").length-1
return heyslay
function Counting(heyslay){
chocolate=heyslay.split(" ");
return heyslay;
//Word Counter By Godkillah of

document.forms.postmodify.message.parentNode.innerHTML+="<br /><span id='showit'>"+$get_name+" - <span style='color:red'><b>How's my post code!</b></span><br />Total Characters typed: <b>0</b> || Total words typed: <b>0</b></span>";
document.forms.postmodify.message.onkeyup = function(){
var _counter = countChars(document.forms.postmodify.message.value);
_counter+=" || Total words typed: "+Counting(document.forms.postmodify.message.value)+""
var $_number = $_Set[5]-$_Set[4]
var _object=document.getElementById("showit");
if(document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length == 0){
_object.innerHTML= $get_name+" - <span style='color:red'><b>How's my post code!</b></span><br />Total Characters typed: <b>0</b> || Total words typed: <b>0</b>";
else if(document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length <= $_Set[0] && document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length >0){
_object.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'><b>How's my post?</b></span>: <span style='color:red'>You can do better than this!</span><br />Total Characters typed: "+_counter+"";
else if(document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length > $_Set[0] && document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length <= $_Set[1]){
_object.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'><b>How's my post?</b></span>: <span style='color:red'>You are getting better!</span><br />Total Characters typed: "+_counter+"";
else if(document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length > $_Set[1] && document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length <= $_Set[2]){
_object.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'><b>How's my post?</b></span>: <span style='color:red'>Keep going! You are doing great!</span><br />Total Characters typed: "+_counter+"";
else if(document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length > $_Set[2] && document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length <= $_Set[3]){
_object.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'><b>How's my post?</b></span>: <span style='color:red'>Wonderfully done! Now, do even better!</span><br />Total Characters typed: "+_counter+"";
else if(document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length > $_Set[3] && document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length <= $_Set[4]){
_object.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'><b>How's my post?</b></span>: <span style='color:red'>HURRAY! You are quite the novelist!</span><br />Total Characters typed: "+_counter+"";
else if(document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length > $_Set[4] && document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length <= $_Set[5]){
_object.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'><b>How's my post?</b></span>: <span style='color:red'>Wow, only "+$_number+" more characters and you will have the longest post!</span><br />Total Characters typed: "+_counter+"";
else if(document.forms.postmodify.message.value.length > $_Set[5]){
_object.innerHTML = "<span style='color:red'><b>How's my post?</b></span>: <span style='color:red'>WOAH! You better tell me about this! Best post ever!</span><br />Total Characters typed: "+_counter+"";
var loc = window.location.href.split("/index.php")[0]
//Created by Agent Moose (
if(location.href.match(/action=mlist;sort=posts;sa=TopTen/i)) $("a[title*='View the profile of']").parent().parent("tr:gt(10),tr:first").hide();
$("#upshrinkHeader").find("td.windowbg2[colspan='2']").append("<a href='" + loc + "/index.php?action=mlist;sort=posts;sa=TopTen'>View Top Ten Posters</a>");

Problems here: The gorgeous legend and
Code: [Select]
<script creator="Agent Moose" at="">
var boardname = "General Forum"
var News = "10 Members = Moderator Position
20 Members = Global moderator Position!
The G. Mod. has more powers here, if you get the following amount you get the position."
$("#bodyarea").before('<div id="news_box"><div class="tborder" style="margin-top: 1ex;"><div class="catbg" style="padding: 5px 5px 5px 10px;">'+boardname+' News</div><table id="upshrinkHeader2" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td class="titlebg2"></td></tr><div class="windowbg"><span id="section">'+News+'</span></div></table></div>');
This working.
Please help, I desperately need these functions running, thanks.

General Support / How to add a highscore board to your site..
« on: July 10, 2008, 05:06:41 pm »
Forum Url:
I want to know how to add a highscore board to the website above.
It has I suppose everything required.
I just need your help.
For an example of what I'm talking, go to
over there there is a highscores board, although they don't use SMF can someone please tell me,
If i can link an online game to a website like SMF's?
Please get my hopes high.. This means a lot for me..
: :( :(

Thanks! :D

Forum Url:
Can someone please explain to me letter by letter how I can add a Terms Of Service to my site, when anyone browses or clicks on my URL.

[EXAMPLE] - Like suppose I go to, and the first thing that comes should be the terms of service.
Example for this can be found here, as you see when ever you visit that site, the first thing that will come will be the ToS, I want to know how can I do this.

Please reply with a quick detailed answer!
Thank you for your time, and for reading this!

General Support / The membergroup problem..
« on: July 10, 2008, 07:05:31 am »
Forum Url:
Please check the site.. I don't know whats wrong with my membergroup but when I post instead of it showing up as "Moderator" instead of the one I chose for myself, I tried removing the picture completly yet the problem isn't resolved..

General Support / How can I.. SMF please read this SPECIALLY FOR YOU.
« on: July 07, 2008, 04:47:01 pm »
Forum Url:
How can I take away the posting rights of one of my members?
And SMF can you please tell how can I have this working on my forums, like on Moparscape or Runelocus, the moderators have this option I think which is next to the modify button named "Warning!!" This gives them the freedom of warning a member at anytime without goeing through that long procedure.
I'll add a picture soon, it's on my dads laptop, so as soon as I get my hands on his, I'll post the picture here
NOTE: If that system is not there on SMF, can you please add it? Otherwise I suppose I have to switch my forums to v bulleitn and stuff like that, but I like this place better, so I'll reconsider my decision, till then can you please think out an answer to this.. Thanks for reading.

General Support / How do I use the SMF Hacks files on my forum?
« on: July 07, 2008, 10:06:38 am »
Forum Url:
How do I use all the downloads in the SMF Hacks section for MY forums. I want to know because I have a couple of files and I don't know how to use 'em!

Graphics / Crown request
« on: July 07, 2008, 07:45:20 am »
I want this
I request for the letter to be changed to 'J'

Graphics / Where can I get Photoshop?
« on: July 07, 2008, 07:38:02 am »
Can someone tell me a site where i can download photoshop, please, thanks,

Forum Url:
How can I add my own custom images for Moderators or admins? And by that I mean not through the stuff concerning headers and footers [that i know] i mean the one where i can just do through membergroups.

Code Requests / Can someone tell me how to add a Member Legend?
« on: July 06, 2008, 06:31:36 pm »
Forum Url:
Can someone please tell me how I can add a member legend so all my members can view it and the number of them currently on that position for example like,
Owner - Akl (1) - The number '1' represents how many owners there are.
Suppose there a re 2 it should be like,

Owner - Akl, Projext (2)

Thanks for reading,

- Akl

Forum Url:
Firstly I would like you to check the forums, as you see, I want to change the skin to AA New Damage, but I simply cannot, please tell me why.

General Support / The posts on my forum is messed!
« on: June 25, 2008, 06:10:20 pm »
The posts on my forums are upside down.. lol like the first post on the topic is at the bottom and the newest post is right at the top.

reply to this, laundry lady and simply sibyl could mail the answer to my email account?

Forum Url:
Hi I've seen on some forums, The moderators, Who moderate the forums, If they see something wrong they give a warning and also they write under the user's post for example:

*sibyl edit - large image removed.   Please use thumbnails for large images

Pages: [1]