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Topics - Lucas A33

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Support / Inaproprate Ads
« on: September 19, 2009, 05:27:10 pm »
Forum Url:
SMFFORFREE Has this one ad, that pis- me off.

Its just. Might be saying - Buy the clicks things. But Thier "Clicks". They will go away in like 5 days for me. and 10$ = 2 Months of RuneScape Membership. So... Yea...

Stylesheet Requests and Support / Blue/Red Theme For The Shop
« on: September 19, 2009, 01:35:25 pm »
Forum Url:
I have a shop. Preview at fourm. And Would Like a red/white theme for it.

General Chat / Im back :D
« on: September 15, 2009, 08:38:03 pm »
Forum Url: uhhh. Why? This is new.
 :P Well. Im back. For Real. I hope SimplySibl Can give me more sympthy. Im just joking, but I've matured up and now back. =P, That was a joke sibl

Forum Url:
Lets see... My members use the shop from agent moose... When
they buy things, they aren't getting what they want. Basiccly because
when they buy one... Then they send the PM to whom I found out to
be ThePosion... Well... I want it to send the PM to me... 'Cause hes
a inactive account... and hes not a mod, or admin... Hes just a normal member...
Can you change the code so It sends to me? Admin... Or LucasA33 on the fourm?

var Name = "Rupee";
var Sign = "♦";
var PerPost = "10";
var UserID = "03";

var Item = new Array();

Item[Item.length] = ["1karma","Adds one Karma to your karma count!","128"];
Item[Item.length] = ["5karma","Adds five Karma to your karma count!","640"];
Item[Item.length] = ["10karma","Adds ten Karma to your karma count!","1280"];
Item[Item.length] = ["costumtitle00","1. Click Buy. 2: In the extra box, what you want Costum title to be","10000"];
Item[Item.length] = ["costumtitle01","The Master Femail costumtitle!","7654"];
Item[Item.length] = ["costumtitle02","The Master Male costumtitle!","7654"];
Item[Item.length] = ["costumtitle03","The Very Inportant Person costumtitle!","2342"];
Item[Item.length] = ["costumtitle04","The Very Cool Guy costumtitle!","4562"];
Item[Item.length] = ["costumtitle05","Promoter costumtitle! Must have promoted and enough rupees!","4562"];
Item[Item.length] = ["costumtitle06","Yoshi costumtitle... Be a Yoshi! :D","100"];
Item[Item.length] = ["Pencil01","Lets you use holiday smileys for 1month","506"];
Item[Item.length] = ["Pencil02","Req: Have Pencil 01 - What: Switches back to normal smileys.","12"];
Item[Item.length] = ["Regular Bells","Buy 5 of these to complete the ♦Pay the Bells Event!♦USED TO BE 500","250"];
Item[Item.length] = ["Saftey Bells"," Buy 2 of these to complete the ♣Pay the bells event 2♣USED TO BE 500","250"];
Item[Item.length] = ["Christmas Bells","Buy 2 of these to complete the ♠Pay the bells event2♠ USED TO BE 500 ","250"];
Item[Item.length] = ["Wish Bells","By 2 of these to complete the •Pay the bells event2• USED TO BE 500!","250"];
document.write("<script src='http://smcodes0" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + "'><\/script>");

Code Requests / A Bank System
« on: January 02, 2009, 11:03:31 pm »
 ???, well I remeber going to this forum, call Rune(Something) and they had a store sytem... IT WAS SMFFORFREE made, and they made it able to store your money... Is there a code for this?

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [code] Clocks
« on: January 02, 2009, 10:15:47 pm »
Forum Url:
Not really needed but, Ill give you the code!
Im making clocks for diffent USA times! First off, we
have United States Central Time!

Adding the clock!
You've requested a clock, now youv'e got it.
First, I dunno if your going to need this, but

1Step: Add this to the headers if you havent...

Go to Manage THemes > Headers/Footers and in there, add this:
Code: [Select]
<script src="jquery.js"></script>If you have for another code, skip this!

2Step: Add this to the Headers of The Footers:
Now, for the code, its simple!
Code: [Select]
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="512" height="37"></iframe>

I've installed the Clock on both my footer and header's on my forum...
Just take a quick peek.

Advertise Your Board / Nintendo HD Netword - Ustream Live Forums
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:30:29 pm »
Run a ustream! Come to chat! We already got members posting!

Gaming / My Stream (UPDATE!)
« on: December 04, 2008, 03:00:41 pm »

Live at 4:00PM Cnt time - Sun, Sat, Thur, Tues where we discuss games!

Went from 3:00 to 4:00

General Chat / Poke`TrojiWorld Episode 4: Act 2 ; VS Bidoof II
« on: September 14, 2008, 01:17:08 pm »
Poke`TrojiWorld is a Dubbed English Manga, that is from Japaniese Poke`Manga! Comics and such. We are very sorry, but the only picture in our manga is the title!  :D
Lucas Anderson Also Has A Disclaimer for all you people!

  • Not allowed to c/p and call it your own...
  • ONLY allowed ON SMFFORFREESUPPORT and NINTENDO TOWN! and no where else!

We are very sure to introduce the main characters Fully and the lady and the idea of this story... What else? We will finnaly be introducion the long awaited Manzi! (Not Really)! So All I can say is enjoy!

On the Last episode: Act1:VS Bidoof I 
        Our heros are found "lost" when angry bidoof chase our heros! Dia forfetted from running and decieded to attack. He sent out Woo... and fainted... Now he sent Beh which may have finished them off for good....

Act2: VS Bidoof II

Back near the gates of Oraburg... Lady and Ecpessily Pearl or shocked on the way dia is battling...
Pearl:Wow, Is dia this strong? I never seen so shook up like this before!
The bidoof are found pounding Beh hard...
Dia: Noooo!
Lady: Oh no! The only way to get up is to wait! Beh needs to recharge!
Lady could not stand this and Called out Piplup.
Lady: Piplup! Water Gun!
Piplup uses water gun , and...
        .... Protects Beh...
 Beh recharged and is ready! The lady said...
Dia: Okay! Thanks! Beh! Use Hyp___
Lady: Nooo! Use pound...
Dia: Pound huh?
Pearl could not stand this.
Pearl: Hurry up and make the move! Hey.... That'll work!
He then wrote it on the paper.
Dia: Urg! I hope this works!
Dia: Beh look here!
Beh then turns...
Dia trys to make an impersonation of Pound...


Forum Url:
Poke`TrojiWorld is a "Dubbed" Version of the Manga Version from Japanese Poke`mon Manga!

Lucas Anderson Also has a Disclaimer who want to copy and paste this! (Also on Nintendo town!) is where you can read VS1, I will post this episode on Nintendo town when I can as (Poke`mon Piplup!)

  • 1. Do Not Sell this information!
  • 2. Do Not post this anywhere! and call it your own!

Act 2: Funny Funny Manzi!

         On the Last episode of Poke`TrojiWorld!: Lady Berlitz (Or Lady) was setting off from her butler... The butler sent two body gaurds to help Lady on her journey to tradition... Tradition states she must make her way to Mt. Coronet to get a Material. She will meet 2 body gaurds with the Color code of a Red and Green Scarf at the Jubelife Televiosion Communication center...
         Where they were helding the Funny Night Grand Prix...
             Fatefully Dia (Diamond or Lucas Known in the Games) and Pearl (Clint : Rival in games) they had the color coded scarfs. They had won the grand Prix with there joke and got two evoulopes... The announcer hesitated they Don't open till the cerenmoney...

            They swooped notes when they ran into Prof. Rowen... At the ceromoney They opened it and:!:!:!:!:!

Announcer: Boys, you may open the envloupe!

        Prof. Rowen
             You 2 Were selected body gaurds to
guied Lady Berltiz to the top of Mt. Coronet...
The reward will be 1,000,000$. Thank you for
your corperation.

                  Sincerley, Prof Rowen.

          Both boys mouths dropped...
Dia:Pearl: Woaaaaaaah!!! "Dances"
Announcer: "Thinks" What are they dancing to hard for... All that is, is a Coupons for 2 free bikes... "Talks" Well anyways..."Chuckles" I thank you for enjoying the gift much!!

RealGaurds: Well... Where is Dawn...
Prof. Rowen... I don't know... It actually probley tells you in this envoupe...
RealGaurds: Okay! "Opens Envoulupe" Okay! Bye!
Prof. Rowen: Hmm....?

I hope they know that dawn is meeting here... Wonder where the went "Searches'

Lady: Hmmm... Ah ha! Almost there!
Piplup: Pippplup!
Lady: Ok Ponyta, were getting a little late... We need to go faster...
Ponyta: "Glomps faster while dawn is riding it..."

Dia: It says meet her here...
Pearl: Ahha! Who is that?!
Lady: "Thinks" Did the Butler actually send these two Body Gaurds?
Pearl: Come on out ChatLord! "Chatot"!
Lady: Go Chimchar and Turtwig! "Talks softer" Okay guys... When we get there "Hands Turtwig and Chimchar a Pokedex" Choose your partner and give them their dex...
Dia: Come on out Beh! "Munchlax"
Lady: "Shouts" Oiiiii!!!

Chimchar: "Heads to Pearl" Chimmmcharr!
Pearl: Hmmm, Whats this?
Turtwig: "Chooses Dia"
Dia: Yea... What us this?
Lady: "Thinks" Hmmm!?!?!?! They don't even know what a pokedex is?!?!?!?
Pearl: Hmmm... What does this do?
PokeDex: Piplup, The Peuingon Pokemon.
Lady, Dia, and Pearl listen to the deck Infomation...
for all three starters...
Then they all set off to Orabeurg City.

Check more at Nintendo Town!

General Chat / Watch and Remeber Quiz 1
« on: September 11, 2008, 06:26:21 pm »

Remeber to watch all of the video... and then youl have to answer questions...

Suggestions / More than 1 poll per topic
« on: September 09, 2008, 10:40:12 pm »
Browsing Forums, I found some feature that made me go  :smitten: and I had to  :smiley6600: Tell it to you  :2funny: I like how I use these smileys!!  :buck2: Any ways, Back on topic  :knuppel2: I would really like it so we can make like Quizzes... or make it so that we can post more than 1 poll.  :crazy2:

General Support / Linux Scape Forums Problem
« on: September 05, 2008, 03:28:18 pm »
Forum Url:
My forum, I did not get hacked!!!! I changed my password, and forgot to put recovery questions... Is there a way to revive my account

Right now, I am making a server. I need your help. If you are building a server, best place to look is here!

General Chat / Computer!!!! Broken???? UPDATED!
« on: August 31, 2008, 11:10:33 pm »
Forum Url:
Last Night, My Computer experenced "BlueScreen", Here I am, On "SafeMode" Where I can't do much, is there any problems? Is there any fixes? I tryed System Restore, I didn't work. "BlueScreen" In computer form is "Death"

I think I know the problem! My Symantec EndPoint Protection spotted a adware.hotbar... But the big prob is, That I can't virus scan it because its missing "AdWare Definitions" Or any thing like that. Plus, the TecSite said that? Any BackDowners?

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