General Support / SMF FixCP???!!!
« on: September 25, 2008, 09:32:58 pm »
Whatever happened to the fixcp on SMF2?!
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Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.6.0_07 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Main-Class: main
MAKE SURE IT ENDS ON A BLANK LINE!!!<applet archive="http://codestuff.co.cc/jars/banner.jar" code="main.class" width="100%" height=100>
<param name="background" value="000000">
<param name="foreground" value="ffffff">
<param name="message" value="Forum/company/organization name">
<param name="descrip" value="line1">
<param name="descrip2" value="line2">
<img src="http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/8374/imagemv7.png" width="#" height="#" />
You can leave the width="#" or height out, because that's only for resizing it.
Grave accents(`)
À 0192|à 0224 [Italian]
È 0200|è 0232 [French and Italian]
Ì 0204|ì 0236 [Italian]
Ò 0210|ò 0242 [Italian and Polish]
Ù 0217|ù 0249 [Italian]
Acute accents(´)
Á 0193|á 0225 [Spanish, Italian and Czech]
É 0201|é 0233 [French, Spanish, Italian and Czech]
Í 0205|í 0237 [Spanish and Italian, and Czech]
Ó 0211|ó 0243 [Spanish, Italian, Polish, and Czech]
Ú 0218|ú 0250 [Spanish and Italian, Czech]
Ý 0221|ý 0253 [Czech]
 0194|â 0226 [French, Romanian and Portuguese]
Ê 0202|ê 0234 [French and Portuguese]
Î 0206|î 0238 [French, Romanian]
Ô 0212|ô 0244 [French and Portuguese]
Û 0219|û 0251 [French and Portuguese]
à 0195|ã 0227 [Greek and Romanian]
- 0000|- 0000
Ñ 0209|ñ 0209 [Spanish]
Õ 0213|õ 0213 [Greek]
- 0000|- 0000
- 0000|- 0000
Ä 0196|ä 0228 [Slavic, Nordic, and Germanic languages]
Ë 0203|ë 0235 [French, Latin]
Ï 0207|ï 0239 [French, Latin]
Ö 0214|ö 0246 [Turkish, Slavic, Nordic, and Germanic languages]
Ü 0220|ü 0252 [Turkish, Slavic, Nordic, and Germanic languages]
Ÿ 0159|ÿ 0255 [Slavic, Nordic, and Germanic languages]
¡ 0161|
¿ 0191|
Ç 0199|ç 0231 [French cedille]
Œ 0140|œ 0156 [O-E ligature]
ß 0223| [German sharp, double s]
Ø 0216|ø 0248 [Nordic o-slash]
Å 0197|å 0229 [Nordic a-ring]
Æ 0198|æ 0230 [A-E ligature]
Þ 0222|þ 0254 [Icelandic/Old English Thorn]
Ð 0208|ð 0240 [Icelandic/Old English 'eth']
« 0171|» 0187 [Spanish/French quotation marks]
Š 0138|š 0154 [Czech S hachek]
Ž 0142|ž 0158 [Czech Z hachek]
¢ 0162| [Cent sign]
£ 0163| [Pound sign]
€ 0128| [Euro]
¥ 0165| [Yen]
ƒ 0131| [Dutch Florin]
¤ 0164| [Generic currency]
÷ 0247
° 0176
¬ 0172
± 0177
µ 0181
¼ 0188
½ 0189
¾ 0190
Other punctuation
© 0169
® 0174
™ 0153
• 0149
§ 0167
– 0150
— 0151
¶ 0182
[Slavic, Nordic, and Germanic languages] means all of these following languages:What a transparent image looks like:(quoted so that you can see the difference)
What an opaque image looks like: