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Topics - pitbull10

Pages: [1]
General Support / I need a new image uploader can you advise
« on: January 20, 2013, 01:55:20 pm »
Forum Url:
Can anyone help

my forum has been using simple image upload ( for some reason it has started including porn with it. it is not acceptable to my users.

does anyone recommend  of a replacement MOD .


General Support / ultimate Profile Help
« on: December 19, 2012, 03:46:20 am »
Hello Guys

I have ultimate profile installed  0.9.1 and have added extra fields.
is there a way to force the correct answer to the question.
full name == (must put) first last name
service history == (must add) I served here and there
I have set it to force answer but some are just putting (fbjbabbabjks'a)  anything in the text and they get through registration

any help please


General Support / SMF gallery within SMF
« on: October 25, 2010, 07:33:35 am »
Forum Url:

I had SMF gallery installed for the past few months last week all the thumb nails were missing , tried using maintenance to rebuild and fix errors it finally crashed , I had my host reset the site and un-installed the Gallery , now when I upload and try an install I am getting the following errors

Installing this package will perform the following actions:  Type Action Description
1. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.English.php Test successful
2. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.8.php Test failed
3. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/languages/Who.English.php Test successful
4. Execute Modification ./index.php Test successful
5. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/index.template.php Test failed
6. Execute Modification ./Sources/Subs.php Test successful
7. Execute Modification ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php Test successful
8. Execute Modification ./Sources/.php Skipping file
9. Extract File ./Sources/Gallery.php 
10. Extract File ./Themes/default/Gallery.template.php 
11. Extract Tree ./gallery 
12. Extract File ./Themes/default/languages/Gallery.English.php 
13. Extract File ./Themes/default/languages/Gallery.8.php 

A warning is given not to continue???? any help would be great


14. Execute Code galleryinstall.php 

General Support / simple ajustments
« on: September 19, 2010, 10:05:27 am »

I have two thinks on my forum I cant find where to change them.

1) I have added the Mod header rotator, I want my own pictures in this
How do I find the header image files.

2) I have a wordpress front page with a page link To my forum,
I need for my members to be able to login once for both, I have tried a couple of bridges but they have messed up my database.

Your advice would be most helpfull.

new to all this and a silver surfer.


Pages: [1]