Forum Url:
www.aow.smfforfree3.comHello, I came across this bug today and was pretty shocked to find out that this particular option under the "posts and topics" link in the admin CP wasn't functioning properly. In an effort to prevent spammy posting on the forum I was going to change this option from zero seconds to say, for example, 90000 seconds. So I ended up doing just that, and instead what this did was actually cause me to not be able to log back in if I had logged out until I have waited 90,000 seconds (under the same IP address)... and some of my other members also said they weren't able to re-log if they had entered their login information incorrectly on the first attempt too. It said "You have to wait 90,000 seconds to log in again, sorry."
I ended up fixing this problem by changing the 90,000 back to zero on my forum with the help of one of my co-admins, but nevertheless this was pretty unexpected.
Just thought I'd let you know!