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Author Topic: [Guide] Admin Cp Registration Section  (Read 8497 times)

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[Guide] Admin Cp Registration Section
« on: April 22, 2008, 02:07:09 pm »
Registration Section
In the Registration section you can Register a new user, edit the registration agreement that members need to agree to when registering to your forum, unless it is disabled. You can also set reserved names that no one can Register as along with basic settings to handle new members such as disallowing members of a certain age, whether to require admin approval, email confirmation or nothing at all. You can also disable registration altogether.

Register new member    

This page allows you to Register a new member. You get to select the folowing information.

Username - The username. (Required)
Email Address - The email address of the user. (Required)
Password - The password the user will use. (Required)
Primary Membergroup - The Member group this user will be in. (Not Required)

You also have the following options:

Email new password to user - This option will send an email to the email account you specified.
Require user to activate the account - This option will require the user to activate this account before they can use it.

Registration Agreement 

Turn on Registration Agreement:   put a check the box for, "Show and require agreement letter when registering."
This makes every new Member agree to your terms before allowing them to register.
Otherwise if this is disabled no registration agreement will be shown on the registration page.

To edit the registration agreement for your forum, place whatever you like to be in the agreement for your Forum in the large box on the top of the page. You may use both HTML and BBcode in the registration agreement.

Set Reserved Names

With reserved names you can enter certain names that you would like to disallow people to be able to use.
The names you put in the reserved name box will disallow the use of these names for a username or Display name of a member.
Only type in one reserved name per line.

On the Set Reserved Names page there is  a text box for you to enter names.
The default reserved names are:  Admin, Webmaster, Guest

In addition to modifying the names in the list there are a few other options you can use:

Match whole name only. If unchecked, search within names. - This allows you to choose whether or not you would like your forums to match the name exactly to what you have typed, or have it search for what you have typed within a username or display name.

Match case. If unchecked, search will be case insensitive. - This allows you to choose whether or not your Forum will match words even if it has different capatalizations.
Check this to have it match the case and ignore reserved names with different cases.

Check username. - This allows you to choose whether or not your Forum will reserve usernames for the names you put in the reserved name list.

Check display name. - This allows you to choose whether or not your Forum will reserve display names for the names you put in the reserved name list.

Settings Page

The Settings page of the Registration section of the Administration Panel allows you to configure settings related to visitors registering for an account to your forum.

The following settings are found on this page:

Method of registration employed for new members
The type of registration that is set for the forum.
The following options are available:

Registration Disabled
Disables the registration process, which means that no new members can Register to join your forum.
Immediate Registration
New members can login and Post immediately after registering on your forum.
Member Activation
When this option is enabled any members registering to the Forum will have a activation link emailed to them which they must click before they can become full members.
Member Approval
This option will make it so all new members registering to your Forum will need to be approved by the admin before they become members.

Notify administrators when a new Member joins
Checking this will email the administrators of your Forum everytime a new Member registers.

Send welcome email to new members
Checking this will send a welcome email to the member, welcoming them to the community.

Required strength for user passwords
This determines how complicated a users password has to be to register.
The following options are available:

Low - The password must be at least four characters long.
Medium - The password must be at least eight characters long, and can not be part of a users name or email address.
High - As for medium, except the password must also contain a mixture of upper and lower case letters, and at least one number.

Enable reporting of personal messages
This option allows your users to report personal messages they receive to the administration team. This may be useful in helping to track down any abuse of the personal messaging system.

Complexity of visual verification image
This determines how complex the visual verification image is on the registration page.
The higher the level of complexity, the harder it is for bots to bypass it, however it will also be a bit harder for humans to recognize the letters in the image.

Disabled - There is no verification image at all.
Very Simple - Blue angled letters appear in a white box, with no noise (dots).
Simple - Different colored angled letters appear in a white box also with no noise.
Medium - Different colored angled letters appear in a white box but noise has been added.
High - Blue letters appear in various fonts in both upper and lower case with angle/strike through variations and some noise. The image appears to be part of your theme (no white box).

Age below which to apply registration restrictions
The value specified in this box will determine the minimum age that new members must be to be granted immediate access to the forums.
On registration they will be prompted to confirm whether they are over this age, and if not will either have their application rejected or suspended awaiting parental approval - dependent on the type of restriction chosen.
If a value of 0 is chosen for this setting then all other age restriction settings shall be ignored.

Action to take when a user below minimum age registers
If age restrictions are enabled, then this setting will define that happens when a user below the minimum age attempts to Register with your forum.
There are two possible choices:

Reject Their Registration
Any new Member below the minimum age will have their registration rejected immediately.
Require Parent/Guardian Approval
Any new Member who attempts to Register and is below the minimum permitted age will have their account marked as awaiting approval, and will be presented with a form upon which their parents must give permission to become a Member of the forums. They will also be presented with the Forum contact details entered on the settings page, so they can send the form to the Administrator by mail or fax.

Postal address to which approval forms should be sent
The contact boxes are required so that forms granting permission for underage registration can be sent to the Forum administrator.
These details will be shown to all new minors, and are required for parent/guardian approval.
At the very least a postal address or fax number must be provided.

Fax number to which approval forms should be faxed
The contact boxes are required so that forms granting permission for underage registration can be sent to the Forum administrator.
These details will be shown to all new minors, and are required for parent/guardian approval.
At the very least a postal address or fax number must be provided.

Contact number for parents to contact with age restriction queries
The contact boxes are required so that forms granting permission for underage registration can be sent to the Forum administrator.
These details will be shown to all new minors, and are required for parent/guardian approval.
At the very least a postal address or fax number must be provided.

PM on Registration

Send a PM to newly registered members?:   If you want to have the forum send a pm to members when they register checkmark this box

ID of the member to send PM as:  Put the ID Number of the Member you want the PM to be FROM.   
IMPORTANT NOTE:   Do NOT leave this set as "0"   If you do so they will get a database message when they register

Send PM to newly registered member as:   This is the username that will appear when the PM is sent.

The subject of the PM:   Put a Subject for the PM here

The content of the PM goes here:  This is where you type the message that you would like to send to the user. 
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 12:49:48 pm by simply sibyl »

Offline brad1571

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Re: [Guide] Admin Cp Registration Section
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2010, 12:45:43 pm »

I was looking for where you can make them require to activate there accounts. thanks

Offline B E N E L

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Re: [Guide] Admin Cp Registration Section
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2010, 12:32:49 pm »
Great guide Sibyl really helpful :)


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