Admin CP Membergroup Section Guide
Edit Membergroups Page
On the Edit Membergroups section, you will see two separate tables.
The table on the top, lists the regular Membergroups on your forum (In other words, the non post-count based groups).
The bottom table lists all of the post-count based groups of your forum.
Next to each of the group names is the star images used for the group, the number of Members the group currently has, and a link to modify the group.
On post-count based groups you will also see the required posts needed for a member to be in that post-count based group.
When viewing the Membergroups section, you have three options of what you can do.
Add a new membergroup
Edit an existing membergroup
Select the membergroups that can modify membergroups
Add Membergroup Page
On the Add Membergroup page you will be able to create new membergroups with the desired settings.
This page can be accessed by selecting the Add Membergroup tab when viewing the Membergroups section of the Administration Panel.
On the Modify an existing Membergroup page, you will be able to modify the settings of an existing membergroup.
This page can be accessed by selecting the Modify link to the far right of a membergroup name when viewing the Membergroups section of the Administration Panel.
Group Name - The name you want to call the group.
This group is based off posts - Check this to make the group a post-count based group.
Required Posts - When making the membergroup based on the number of posts, you are required to choose the number of posts required for a member to be in that group. This can be any number you like. Note, keep track of any existing membergroups that are based off of post count. While you can have multiple membergroups require the same number of posts to be a part of the group, the newer group will be the only one members will actually be put in when they have the specified posts.
Color in online list - Go to: Admin/Membergroups
Click Modify next to the Group you want to change
Color in online list: (put color code here)
examples: #FFFFFF = white
#000000 = black
Some links for color codes: of star images - Membergroups can have small images to appear next to the group inside of posts made by members of the group (in the group as a primary group) and on a member's profile page. Put how many images you want to show here.
Star image filename - Click on the
starfile image link. Enter the filename for the image you chose in the star image filename blank for the membergroup.
Max Personal Messages: - Maximum Amount of Personal Messages this Group can make.
Permissions - When creating a membergroup, you must select the initial permission settings the membergroup will use. Please note on group creation you are limited in what permissions you can give the group and that this section only appears when creating a new group, but you can always go to Permissions / Permissions by Membergroup to adjust the permissions for the membergroup.
There are a few types of settings you can use for permissions.
by type - There are four basic types of Member groups: Restrictive, Standard, Moderator, and Maintenance.
Restrictive - This is the permission settings that guests get by default.
Standard - This is the permission setting that a standard Register user would receive by default.
Moderator - Any group with this permission setting would be able to moderate boards that they can see.
Maintenance - This is the permission settings that is very similar to that of the administrator.
based off of - You can choose the permissions of another membergroup to base this new one on. This will copy the permissions for the other group, you just choose the group, then alter permissions accordingly.
Visible Boards - This allows you to choose which boards this new group will have access to; this is useful so that you don't have to do it later. You may change these at anytime by going to Membergroups / Edit Membergroups and clicking the link [ Show boards ] at the bottom next to Visible Boards.
Settings Page
Groups allowed to change membergroups - Check the groups that you wish to be able to change the membergroups of members, edit details of membergroups, such as membergroup name, whether it is a post count based group, and what boards the group can enter, and all of the other membergroup settings except for handling permissions, which is a separate permission. The selected groups can also create new membergroups.
Selecting "A" next to a group gives the members in that group the power to do what was mentioned above.
Selecting "X" disallows the group from managing membergroups.
Selecting "D" makes it so no matter how many membergroups a member is in that allows group management, if they are in a group that has "D" (Deny) selected, they will still be disallowed from managing groups.
Upon having this permission, a member will see the Admin link in the Main Menu but they will only have access to the membergroups section, unless of course they are granted more permissions elsewhere.