Board Section in Admin Panel
Create New Category Page
On this page you can create a new Category on your forum. Just like when you modify an existing Category you need to supply a name for the category, choose a placement for the whole Category using the order listbox.
Settings Page
The Settings page of the Boards section of the Administration Panel allows you to set some basic settings involving the boards. The following settings are present on this page:
Membergroups allowed to manage boards and categories - Check the boxes for whatever groups you would like to have the ability to manage the boards and categories. Meaning they can edit, create and delete boards and categories.
Count child's posts in parent's totals - Checking this option will mean that posts and topics in a board's Child Board will count toward its totals on the Board index.
Enable recycling of deleted topics - Checking this will make it so your forum "recycles" deleted topics and posts. This means while the necessarily stats will be updated when the post is deleted, as well as the post no longer being visible where it was before, posts that are deleted can be viewed for reference in the board you specify on the option directly below this one.
Board for recycled topics - Select a Board you wish to store deleted posts in. By choosing the blank option, posts will not be recycled.
Modify Boards Page
In the modify boards section you will see a list of all the categories and boards inside your forum. Underneath each of your categories is a list of the boards inside that category. Beside each of your boards you will see move and modify links, and an additional permissions link if you have enabled advanced by-board permissions (via Administration Center > Permissions > Settings).
Moving your Board or Category
To move your category click the modify link beside it and select the appropriate options from the order drop down menu. Select the modify button from the bottom of the page to save your changes.
To move your board via the move link, simply select the arrow that corresponds with the position you wish to place your board. To make it a child board, simply select the double bar image underneath the board you wish for it to be a child of.
To move your board via the modify link, simply select the appropriate category and order options from the drop down menus. Select the modify button from the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Modifying your Board or Category
By clicking Modify next to a category name you will be directed to a page where you can modify the following options.
Order Sets the order of your category among other categories.
Full Name The name of the category.
By clicking Modify next to a boards name you will be directed to a page where you can modify the following options.
Category Selects the category your board belongs under.
Full Name Sets the name or title of your board.
Description Creates a short description about the board which is displayed underneath its name on the board index.
Allowed Groups Selects the groups which can see and access the board. This option supports both post based, and non post based membergroups.
Board Access Selects Normal, No polls, Reply only, and Read only access for the board.
Moderators Assigns Moderators to your board, who use the permissions from the moderator group while using the board.
Count Posts Allows posts and topics from this board to increase the members post count.
Board Theme N/A
Override Members Theme N/A
Modifying Board Permissions
If you have enabled advanced by-board permissions (via Administration Center > Permissions > Settings) you will see a third link. When you select this link you will be asked to confirm your choice to use local permissions for the board. Enabling local permissions allows the board to have a different set of permissions that are only used when inside that board. If a board is using global permissions its link will be italicized. By selecting yes you will be taken to the Permissions by Board section of your Administration Center (Administration Center > Permissions > Permissions by Board) where you can choose to use local or global permissions on a per board basis. (explained below)
Permissions by Board
The Permissions by Board page of the Permissions section allows you to set-up local permissions for boards, meaning the board's permissions will differ from the globally set Membergroup permissions. This page can behave in two different ways.
There is the simple way, where you have the setting "Enable advanced by-board permissions" in the Settings page of the Permissions section unchecked.
With the setting unchecked you will see a list of all your boards with links next to them,
Normal - Clicking this will make the board inherit the permissions set by membergroups rather then by board.
No Polls - As the name suggests, this will disable the posting of polls to everyone except the Administrators
Reply Only - Clicking this will disable all Members from starting new topics and be restricted to posting replies to topics. Although the Administrators can still start topics.
Read Only - Clicking this will disable Members from posting replies to topics and starting new topics. Again, Administrators are immune to this and can still post.
If you have the setting "Enable advanced by-board permissions" checked, you will instead see just two links next to each board.
Global - When clicked on, sets the board's permission set to use the globally set permissions by membergroups.
Local - When clicked on, changes the board's permission set to use locally set board permissions ignoring the global Membergroup permissions. When "Local" is clicked on, the board name becomes a link. Clicking on the link will lead you to a page where you can edit each Membergroups permissions exclusively for that board.
As you can see, you can control the local permissions of a board a lot more using this method of managing permissions, but the simpler method can be good if you just want to restrict basic permissions from particular boards.