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Author Topic: [Guide] Admin Cp Attachments and Avatars Section  (Read 9802 times)

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[Guide] Admin Cp Attachments and Avatars Section
« on: April 22, 2008, 05:35:56 pm »
Attachments and Avatars Section
Allowed attachment file types:  doc, gif, jpg, mpg, pdf, png, txt, zip

From here, you can administer the attached files on your system and you can also delete attachments by size and by date to your requirements.

Attachment Settings

Attachments mode - Enable attachments, disable attachments or just disable new attachments.
Membergroups allowed to view attachments - Select the membergroups allowed to view attachments.
Membergroups allowed to Post attachments - Select the membergroups allowed to attach files to their posts.
Max Attachment size per Post - Specify how big a single post's upload by a Member can be.
Max size per Attachment - Specify how big a single Attachment upload by a Member can be.
Max number of attachments per Post - With SMF, you can allow members to upload more then one Attachment with each single post. Here you can specify how many attachments can be made with each post.
Display image attachments as pictures under Post - If a Member has attached an image to a post, the image will automatically be displayed if enabled.
Resize images when showing under Post - Limit the size of the image when displaying within the forum. This is useful when you have specified a width for your entire Forum and you do not want the image to stretch further distorting your Forum look.
Maximum width of thumbnails - Set the maximum width of the thumbnails to be displayed.
Maximum height of thumbnails - Set the maximum height of the thumbnails to be displayed.

Avatar Settings

Membergroups allowed to select a server stored avatar - Select the membergroups that you want to allow to use avatars from your server.

External avatars

Membergroups allowed to select an external avatar - Specify if any, which membergroups are able to select an external Avatar (external meaning hosted on another server).

Maximum width external avatar - Specify the maximum width of externally linked avatars.

Maximum height external avatar - Specify maximum height of externally linked avatars.

If the Avatar is too large - If the Avatar is over the specified size, you can select to either to 'Let the HTML Resize it' which resizes using HTML code, 'Refuse it' which will not display their chosen external Avatar or 'Download and Resize it' which will download to your own server and resize (requires GD module on your server).

Uploaded avatars

Allow members to upload their own avatars - Enable the option for members to upload their avatars to be stored on your server.

Maximum width of uploaded avatar - Specify the maximum width allowed for the members' Avatar uploads.

Maximum height of uploaded avatar - Specify the maximum height allowed for the members' Avatar uploads.

Resize oversized large avatars - If enabled will resize larger then specified avatars (requires GD module).

Use PNG for resized avatars - PNGs are larger, but offer better quality compression. If this is unchecked, JPEG will be used instead - which is often smaller, but also of lesser or blurry quality.

Browse Files

Here you can browse and delete the uploaded files (attachments, avatars, thumbnails)  by your members listing in order of:

Attachment Name
File Size
Posted By

File Maintenance

From here, you can administer the attached files on your system. You can delete attachments by size and by date from your system. Statistics on attachments are also displayed in this area.

File Attachment Statistics

Total Attachments - Total number of Attachment files uploaded.

Total Avatars - Total number of avatars uploaded.
Total Size of Attachment Directory - Total space used on server to hold the attachments.

Total Size Available in Attachment Directory - Space remaining for any new uploaded attachments to come.

File Attachment Options - In this area, you can delete files older then a specified number of days or attachments over a specified size. Both of these options have the added settings of enabling you to include a message of your choice to be included where any Attachment has been removed by the system.

You can also delete attachments that have not been accessed over a certain period of time.

If you need more space for Attachments and Avatars you can purchase more space in Admin > Adfree & Upgrades
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 12:53:58 am by simply sibyl »

Offline beershake

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Re: [Guide] Admin Cp Attachments and Avatars Section
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 08:26:47 am »
Sorry for gravedig but my forum dont support gif format avatars it says it isnt avatar or something..


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