General Stuff > Graphics
Graphics Board Rules - Read before posting!
Do not post large pictures in posts.
Use a link to the image or thumbnails for images larger then 600px x 150px. (width x height)
How to Post Thumbnails
NO Ratings Allowed.
Do not ask for ratings, critiques of your images.
If someone likes them they will tell you.
Posts requesting or stating ratings will be removed.
We try to keep the chitter chatter down in the Graphics Board.
A well thought out critique is acceptable but please don't beg for one.
Graphics Requests
You can use this section of the forum to request graphics.
Do NOT request editing of copyrited graphics.
Do not bump your topics up. Those making graphics are volunteers/members and get to them as they can.
Sticky Topics in this Board
Not for conversation so keep that to a limit and use them for their original intent.
(to post new links, tips, etc.)
Conversations, unrelated posts, will be deleted.
Respect other Posters.
Let’s be kind, polite, and respectful to other members.
Do NOT flame or harass other members, OR put down what they have created.
Constructive criticism is fine, but slamming someone, or their work is not.
Negative comments will be removed.
Continued rude remarks will result in Post Bans
Handling Disputes.
Please use the PM services to solve disputes with other members. We do not want to get into censoring or deleting your posts, but arguments in public will not be allowed. Should a dispute arise in public please allow the Moderators to handle it.
Should a Moderator step in to handle something and you have an issue with it please, take it up with the Moderator or the Administrator via PM or email.
Don't Play Moderator
If a rule is broken the Moderators will handle it. Do not jump in to tell others the rules.
Use the Report to Moderator Link if you see something that is a rule breaker.
Posting constitutes acceptance.
Posting in the forum means acceptance of these rules and denotes you agree to adhere to them.
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