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Offline xcon55

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I need help badly
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:06:39 am »
Forum Url:
I am trying to make forums using smfforfree for my friends 508 runescape server, however, theres one small problem. I dont know if I did something wrong, but I made categories and sections for posting, and people can post, but they cant, nor can anyone else, see what was posted. Can someone PLEASE help me? Its URGENT!!!

Offline simply sibyl

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Re: I need help badly
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2009, 01:35:15 am »
Forum Url:
I am trying to make forums using smfforfree for my friends 508 runescape server, however, theres one small problem. I dont know if I did something wrong, but I made categories and sections for posting, and people can post, but they cant, nor can anyone else, see what was posted. Can someone PLEASE help me? Its URGENT!!!

The server cache can delay posts showing up (briefly)   Looking at your forum it shows only 1 post has been made.    edit:  make that 2... I can see you have added another.   They DO show up.

But ---  There are some things you need to fix, and some you should check.

The code in your FOOTER:     The code is not filled out completely and part of the code is 'outside' of the script tags.    This is the code Im talking about.  You need to correct that.

Code: [Select]
function name_across_board(){
//Created by Agent Moose (
var vfour = new Array()
vfour[vfour.length] = ["OLD NAME","NEW NAME","COLOR","<img src='IMAGE URL' />"];
$("a[href*='u=']").each(function() {
this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace(vfour[f][0],"<font color='" + vfour[f][2] + "'>" + vfour[f][3] + vfour[f][(vfour[f][1] != "" ? 1 : 0)] + "</font>");
vfour[vfour.length] = ["TK (Xx MeLeE xX","Xx MeLeE xX","Red","<img src='
' />"];

The part of the code that you put after </script> should not be there.
The part of the code below is not filled in  (OLD NAME, etc)
You would replace the areas that are in caps.
If you want to do it for more then one person you put another line of that code directly under THAT line of the code.. not after the <script> tag.

Code: [Select]
vfour[vfour.length] = ["OLD NAME","NEW NAME","COLOR","<img src='IMAGE URL' />"];I think the directions may have confused you.
Make sure you have the OLD NAME correct..  I think you meant it to be this?  TK (Xx MeLeE xX)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2009, 02:00:22 am by simply sibyl »


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