SMF For Free Site > General Discussion

F&%#%ing Photobucket..

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I am just beside myself about fu%#%ing Photobucket !

Users have been finding out about it as their embedded images on other sites have turned into placeholders telling them to update their accounts, and as Photobucket has rolled out email notifications telling them that if they want to keep embedding images, they have to pay $399/year.

Can anyone recommend a good third party photo hosting site that has no problems with embedding images ?

Fu%#%ing Photobucket has just totally screwed up five plus years worth of compiled work and research for myself and forum members..  I am about as pissed off as a guy can be !

SMF For Free:
Check out this post


--- Quote from: SMF For Free on July 14, 2017, 03:41:44 pm ---Check out this post

--- End quote ---

Well, I opted to try Google image hosting..

The image links are huge , so shortened them using tiny url..  Woke up today only to find the forum apparently does not like the tiny urls either in the sidebar or within signatures..

Now member signatures will not accept the long Google image link..

Is there a way to make it so members signatures can accept more characters ?

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SMF For Free:
I would not advise using google those urls are too long I am not sure is that official image hosting from them? Google tends to kill of its projects so I would be wary.

TheWarzone1: works well. I switched to it years ago after i abandoned the uselessness that is imageshack. is nice too. I'd recommend either of those.


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