General Stuff > Gaming

Next-Generation Console Games

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I know I'm a PS3-lover. But with the recent events I'm not so sure...
Cell Processor had problems...then the Blu-Ray diodes are now in a huge shortage. The PS3 has BEAUTIFUL graphics and is the most powerful out the three by a million miles. ($500 though!)

XBox 360 is a nice middleman. Don't want to pay the $500 for a PS3 then the 360 is for you. (or if you like Halo)'

Wii is the innovative and cheaper one. Using gyroscopes and other technology the controller will be able to find where it is exactly in space. Swing oyur controller and you could be slashing a sword, smacking a tennis ball or beating a mutant enemy. Amazing but lack of any kind of special graphics. It's up to you if oyu are into the Wii's type of games.

What do you want?

Either, LOL. I have an x box I got for free (If I could fix it, I could keep it the guy said) Some people think it is fun wasting $ on $300 and $500 game consoles when they complain about being in debt. I have a friend whoms mom bought 2 360's for him and his brother to play no more than 3 feet apart, LOL! But then the counsil will become "last years junk" and the cycle keeps repeating its self over and over again. No thanks, I am staying with what I got, LOL :D

Well I have a Xbox 360 and I dont think I'll be getting a Wii or a PS3. The PS3 isn't getting released in the UK and I had just decided I want one!!, And the Wii well.... The selection of games to be released on it aren't looking too good. Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros aren't even getting released with the Wii!! Nintendo have said that it could be six months before they get released!!. So right now I'm just happy with my 360.

i'll hav a NES

Isn't a NES quite a few console generations ago? Not next generation?


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