General Stuff > Gaming

Next-Generation Console Games

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jst jking.. ill rather hav a Wii or XBox 360 though i cant afford em`  ;)

PS3 will suck coz the blooray thingy is new and rather silliesh

I disagree I might get a PS3 when out

Blu-Ray seems to be the superior format. Holds more, reads more and is really futureistic.

HD-DVD is the more succesful one however because it doesn't require retooling to make(since it is just a really fancy DVD in the end) so it's cheap. Comsumers like cheap and often ignore facts.
Blu-Ray will drop in price...just everyone doesn't know that.

Blu-Ray will make the HD-DVD (attachment...that's have to pay more for it) on the 360 look foolish.

Isn't HD-DVD as new, if not newer than Blu-Ray?

its so complicated sum HD DVD and BLu Ray and blah blah

Wii's cool, stylish, and easy-to-use  ???

Ah, PS3 looks pretty too. I know not as easy to use. There will be somewhat of a learning curve with that new controller. Otherwise yeah.
Maybe I can convince my sister to buy one...she loves Nintendo


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