General Stuff > Gaming
My new -finnally finished- gaming computer.
Over the last 6 months i've been getting parts for a gaming computer for myself. It's been a long wait considering how much i've been wanting to play games like crysis and assasins creed, but it's finnally finished
Here is the specs.
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4ghz
Graphics: 8800GTS Inno3d 300mb (but still awsome)
RAM: 2gb Corsair
Motherboard: MSI P35 Neo
Harddrive: WD 500gb
I love it. Runs most newish games with an average of about 100 fps and games like Crysis 50fps
just thought i'de share. Rate if you want.
Nice but i would have gone for about 4gb RAM with a nVida GPU and prehaps a liquid cooling system to make it more efficient and quieter while playing games.
sounds pretty good nice job
nice job :)
Sounds nice, good work on it.
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