Forum Url:
www.cheese.smfforfree3.comwell a new game like supersmashflash2 is here
an online game made by me
plz do not delete this topic
this is an actual video game i uploaded on my computer
<object id='mySwf' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='' height='450' width='700'>
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<param name='flashVars' value='embedStart=user=paul155;project=competition%2022%20game;map=title'/>
<embed name='mySwf' src='' pluginspage='' height='450' width='700' flashVars='embedStart=user=paul155;project=competition%2022%20game;map=title'/>
fighting robert2 includes
battlemode= fight with other online peoples
guitar mode: i really easy mode about guitar hero
story mode: take robert and friends to an adventure
plz rate
team mode(comingsoon): fight with an allie against two or more enemies
if you rather play it on a large screen go to this site;project=competition%2022%20game;map=title