SMF For Free Site > Announcements
SMF For Free - Forum Updates!
SMF For Free:
Have updated a bunch of the main components to SMF For Free forum hosting system.
Detailed all the changes below,
SMF For Free
+Added new setting to disable ezPortal for mobile devices based on user agent
+Added option to delete all shoutbox entries when viewing the shoutbox history
+Added option to disable blocks when using ezPortal admin area
+Updated menu display block thanks to Maxx
+Board News ezBlock the title now links to the topic
!Fixed possible undefined error when editing an ezblock if it has no parameters
!Fixed handling parameters if zero is passed as a required field.
!Twitter block removed due to Twitter api changes
+Added random listing/auction block for SMF Classifieds ezBlock
+Listing date in SMF Classifieds ezBlock uses the datetime format in the classifieds settings
+Better caching of main ezPortal loading functions for block parameters, column and block collaspe states, and ezPortal pages. Should be huge performance gains for sites with caching enabled.
!Fixed sharing link in the news block for Facebook and Google+
+Random SMF Gallery Block and SMF Gallery Block now support SMF Gallery Pro category level permissions and private user gallery permissions.
!Fixed some formating of some the column combinations
!Fixed default install for ezPortal with blocks
+Added Show Google+ Button option to board news ezblock
!Fixed missing div tag in the stats ezBlock
!Fixed bug with center column area
+Added setting to exclude boards for the Recent Posts and Recent Topics ezBlocks
SMF Gallery Pro
+Added option to disable video uploads. Just in case you only want to allow linked videos
!Fixed missing title/rating information on myimages/search results page.
!Small keywords 2 characters or less no longer displayed
!Fixed issue with bulk uploader in chrome returning an error even though picture was uploaded
!Make sure keywords/tag cloud updated on each case for edit picture/video
!Prevent saving keyword of two or less characters from being entered if separated by a comma won't be saved in tag cloud
+Added setting to disable viewing full detail page of image if not registered
+Added category level permission to disable viewing full image details
+Video Addon now built into SMF Gallery Pro -
Upload formats supported: avi,flv,mov,mpg,ram,rm,rpm,swf,wmv
Can have a user uploaded thumbnail if none is specified uses generic video image
Settings to set the max file size, player height, player width, show download link, show html linking codes
Membergroup/category level permission to control which group can upload videos.
+Not filling in all the information/errors on add picture/add video page no redirects back to the page with information already filled out instead of a fatal error.\
+Added user information to the myimages page. Stats include total pictures,comments and views total
+Added setting to redirect back to the category instead of the users myimages page by default
!Admin email notifications/tweet clean up single quote display
+Some linktree tweaks in a couple places display/style improvement
+Template/style tweaks thoughout the gallery.
!Fixed tweeting of gallery items issue due to twitter api change
!Fixed some permissions with the myimages link showing all users pictures instead of just a certain user.
!Fixed bug with search all images from member icon on view picture showing images from galleries the user does not have access to.
!Now check to make sure the category exists if you attempt to view a non existing category will though an error.
+Added option to search all photos no longer requiring entering anything to search in the search system.
+Added arrow key movement for previous/next buttons
!Fixed updating last post on a category when moving a picture from one category to another category on the category display area.
+Added a setting to disable deleting the topic if you using the post to topic feature on a category
+Added add category link to the top of the manage categories page
!Fixed previous image link now working correctly
!Twitter sharing now url encoding the title of picture that is shared.
!Facebook image meta tag description and title now encoded.
SMF Store
+Added option to store tracking code and dispaly it to a client supports FedEx,DHL,ontrac,UPS,USPS
SMF Classifieds
!MyListings now hides deleted/removed listings
+New settings under Layout Settings to hide fields on add listing/adduction and display hide keywords hide buyitnow button hide shipping price hide qty
Downloads Pro
!Editing download now returns to the download category instead of MyFiles area
+Added option to use medium filename for post creation
+Admin notification system for items waiting approval, and reported downloads/comments
+Added a link to the discussion topic if there is a topic created for the download
!Fixed unviewed items bug only allowing downloads admins to view the page
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