Huge Gallery System Update
Just updated all hosted forums to our latest version of our gallery software. Which includes some cool new features. Including tagging of photo areas kind of like facebook, multiple bulk upload file select, new favorites system and a lot more!
Full list of updates below
+Added new indicators underneath each picture if it is unviewed
+Added multifile upload option for bulk uploads
+Added feature to copy an image to other categories/personal galleries
+Added tagging of areas of pictures that are uploaded
+Added simple favorite image system for users to store a list of favorite images
+Added tag cloud option on main page along with tag cloud settings
+Added layout setting to show mini thumbnails above the image for next,current,previous images
+Added latest gallery post on category list view option
+Added Facebook/Twitter share and publishing settings
+Added autothumbnail function to auto create a thumbnail for a category's icon
+Caching added for blocks and other areas of the gallery if you have caching enabled in SMF
+Added Discussion Link on the view picture page if there was a topic created for the picture
+Added option on add category for main gallery categories to copy permissions form another category
+Added indexes to key columns for the gallery to help improve performance
+Improved the rating sorting on top rated under stats and the main page block for top rating
+Redid regenerate thumbnails to use a progress bar system to do portions of images at a time
+Improved category list on the search page
+Redid the display for filesize to use the size that is closest instead of always using kilobytes
+Added an option to hide sub category links under the main parent category
+Settings and layout area now use alternate row colors to separate the settings better
!Redid the delete category function to make sure all data is properly deleted
!Fixed deleting a reported picture redirects back to approval list
!Fixed some xhtml issues with missing alt tags