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Author Topic: Updated the e-Commerce Addon New Version  (Read 3190 times)

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Updated the e-Commerce Addon New Version
« on: March 08, 2009, 02:21:22 pm »
Updated the e-Commerce Addon New Version

This a major update to the e-Commerce addon for your forum. Which allows you to sell physical and digital products on your forum.

Change log SMF Store 1.3:
+Added guest purchase product support. Guests can now buy items and use the shopping cart
+Added option instead of PayPal to collect billing information manually
+Added option to add unlimited attributes to an item to allow a user to customize a product. Such as select boxes, input boxes, checkboxes and textareas.
+Added pricing tiers which allows you to set the price of the product based on the qty
+Added feature to customize emails that are sent out from the store
!Fixed some html/xhtml markup issues
+Added bbc buttons to add/edit category of the store.
+Added setting to control the number of items shown on the index page blocks of the store
+Added feature to view which members viewed a store item. Helps if you want to follow up with a user.
+Added Wish List system
+Added Send to a friend feature. Allows users to email their friends about a product and include a note.
+Added related items system. Allows other related items to be seen on the view product page.
+Added option to flag items as on sale and specify a sale price
+Added options to hide products from certain member groups.
+Added option when you create/edit products to add a weight useful if you enable calculating shipping costs based on weight with PayPal.
+Added searching of download logs
+Added remote file support for downloads inside the Store.
!Fixed sending email in store contact page in html instead of plain text
+Added Subscription Support for PayPal. Items can be set to have recurring billing such as monthly, yearly, weekly based on settings that you choose.
+Added Total Sales and Total Revenue to the Products List page
+Added export product list to csv
+Added settings to control a couple fields on product display
!Fixed from name on emails sent from the store.
!Fixed a bug with qty that allowed people to buy more than in stock
+Updated the interface for the store.
!Fixed a bug with the shipping condition system since condition was a keyword in MySQL
+Better theme links for sublevel categories
+Added option to disable lightbox for pictures
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