SMF For Free Site > Announcements
Classifieds and Store addons updated!
SMF For Free:
We have updated our classifieds and store addons for all forums that are using!
The classifieds system is auction/listing system for your forum and the store is an eCommerce system to sell physical and digital products.
Both are included in the ultimate plan or can be purchased separate for your forum.
SMF For Free
Classifieds Changes:
+Quantity’s now supported for fixed price listings. You can now sell the same item multiple times in one listing.
+Added simple relist system. One click preloads all previous listing/auction information into a new auction/listing.
+MyFeedback area if trader system is enabled. Lists all feedback that the user has left or received.
+Updated html markup style to improve display in other styles
+Alternate table row styles in different sections of the admin area to make it easier to read
+Added notification system via emails for listings requiring approval and comments waiting approval
+New setting to count member comments as posts
+Added checkbox approve/delete listings/comments on the comment approval and listing approval page
!Expire date now starts from the approval date of the listing.
!No longer show bid number on listing category display areas for listings that are not auctions.
+Membergroup link color added though the classifieds system
+New Select box custom field type for categories
+Added an option to store the paypal address when adding a listing/auction for future use.
+Added link to buyer in seller pm sent on buy it now
!Made sure currency is included in buy/sell/bid pm's
!Fixed return to listing link on buy it now pages.
Store Changes:
+Updated html markup style to improve display in other styles
+Added setting on view item only to show membergroup price options only if better than the item's price
+Alternate table row styles in different sections of the admin area to make it easier to read
+Added shipping condition based on weight.
+Added checkbox approve/delete comments on the approve comments page
+Better formatting of GBP pricing
+Added default currency select setting used when adding a new product
+Added better copyright removal purchase system
!Fixed bug with meta description for facebook property not escaping quotes correctly
!Fixed price on wishlist page to allow showing custom membergroup price
!You can now search for hidden transactions
!Fixed issue with multiple pages for the myproducts area.
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