General Stuff > Advertise Your Board

*** NO BUMPING - Please Read! ***


simply sibyl:
Do not reply to ads in this section - replies to ads are not allowed

If you have previously posted an Ad:
-  You can Modify your Topic if you need to make a change to it .
-  Do not reply TO it or the reply will be deleted and the topic locked.
-  Do NOT ask us to delete it so you can post it again - it is not going to happen.
-  Do NOT wipe out the content of the thread so you can post it again - both threads will be deleted.

If you find a duplicate ad, or one that should not be in this section:
-  Do not reply to the Ad.    Click Report to Moderator to let us know

--- Quote ---Rules for Advertising:

#1. Only one topic per forum.
#2. Do not bump up your topic.
#3. Only SMF forums that are hosted by SMF For Free, MySmf, FreeSMFHosting or our other hosting sites.

SMF For Free

--- End quote ---

Advertisement Board Rules


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