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Topics - Agent Moose

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 11
Bugs / I really hope it isn't to late to get my posts back :P
« on: November 25, 2014, 12:26:18 pm »
I just now realized that there was an issue with posts getting deleted, and yes, all the posts on Revolution X has been deleted.  As well as SMCodes

I really have a feeling it's to late now to fix this...which really would suck since I had many, many, many codes on there for users :P

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Password Protect Topics v2
« on: May 17, 2010, 12:04:29 am »
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
TopicProtect("TOPIC ID","PASSWORD");
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

TOPIC ID = The topic number/ID
PASSWORD = The Password for that topic (case sensitive)

Haven't created a code in awhile, and decided I would update a old code that Stewie343 had made back when SMC was still open :)

Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Code Index
« on: April 30, 2010, 10:12:45 am »
That's right!  I have finally decided to release the famous Code Index that I created for my forums, Simple Machine Codes and Revolution X!

Please note: This code isn't just for Coding boards, so use your imagination :)  It's is mainly just to index topics, to make it easier to go through :)

the set up is really quite simple, just a couple of steps:

Step 1: jQuery - Add this to the top of your headers if you don't have it already
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquary.js"></script>
Step 2: The Main Code - Add to footers
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
function CIv4(title,board,index){
Code Index Created by Agent Moose
Released on: 4/30/2010
if(location.href.match("." + index)){
document.title = title;
var navigation = $("div.nav").html();
var pages = $("tr td.middletext").html();
var online = $("tr.windowbg2 td[colspan='8']").html();
var Search = "<div class='catbg' style='padding: 5px 5px 5px 10px;'>Search " + title + "</div><table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='4'><tr><td class='titlebg' width='100%'>Search</td></tr><tr><td class='windowbg2' width='100%'><center><form id='searchform' name='searchform' accept-charset='ISO-8859-1' method='post' action='" + smf_scripturl + "?action=search2'><input type='text' size='40' name='search' id='Index'/><input id='brd" + board + "' type='hidden' checked='checked' value='" + board + "' name='brd[" + board + "]'/><input type='submit' value='Search' name='submit'/></form></center></td></tr></table></div>";
$("#bodyarea").before("<br /><div class='nav' style='font-size: smaller; margin-bottom: 2ex; margin-top: 2ex;'>" + navigation + " > <b><a class='nav' href='" + smf_scripturl + "/board," + board + ".0." + index + "/sort,subject.html'>Code Index</a></b></div><br/><div class='tborder'>" + Search + "<br/><div class='tborder'><div class='catbg' style='padding: 5px 5px 5px 10px;'>" + title + " - <span class='smalltext'>Sort By: <a href='" + location.pathname + "/board," + board + ".0." + index + "/sort,replies/desc.html'>Replies</a> | <a href='" + smf_scripturl + "/board," + board+ ".0." + index + "/sort,views/desc.html'>Views</a> | <a href='" + smf_scripturl + "/board,"+ board + ".0." + index + "/sort,subject.html'>Subject</a></span></div><table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='4'><tr><td class='titlebg2' colspan='5'>" + online + "</td></tr><tr><td class='titlebg2' colspan='5'>" + pages + "</td></tr><tr id='Codes' align='right'><td class='windowbg' colspan='2'><span class='smalltext'>© Code Index created by Agent Moose.</span></td></tr><tr><td class='titlebg2' colspan='5'>" + pages + "</td></tr></table>");
var Codes = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
if(Codes[x].id.match(/msg/i) && Codes[x].parentNode.className == "windowbg"){
var topic = Codes[x].innerHTML;
var creator = $(Codes[x]).parent().next().html();
$("#Codes").before("<tr><td class='windowbg2' width='50%'>" + topic + "</td><td class='windowbg2' width='50%'>" + creator + "</td></tr>");
for(r=0;w = document.links;r++){
if(w[r].href.match(/\/sort,/i) && !w[r].href.match("." + index + "/sort,")){
w[r].href = w[r].href.replace("/sort,subject","." + index + "/sort,subject");
w[r].href = w[r].href.replace("/sort,starter","." + index + "/sort,starter");
w[r].href = w[r].href.replace("/sort,replies","." + index+"/sort,replies") ;
w[r].href = w[r].href.replace("/sort,views","." + index + "/sort,views");
if(w[r].href.match(/#bot/i)) w[r].style.display = "none";

TITLE = The Title of the Index (EX: SMC Code Index)
BOARD ID = AKA Board Number you want to index.
EXTENSION = Tells which index you are on. (EX: for the SMC Code Index, it could be smcindex.  For a theme index, it could be themeindex.  NO SPACES ALLOWED!)

You may add more of these lines:
Code: [Select]
Step 3: the Child Board - Creating the Child Board (optional)
Please note that you don't have to create a new child board each time you want to have another Index.  The Child Board is there to link to the index.  If you want to just give out a link instead of making a new child board, use this:
Code: [Select],subject.htmlAll you have to do is replace whats in all caps :) (The X's, BOARD_ID and EXTENSION which is exactly the same as you put above)

Childboard Setup
 - Create a child board (add it to the board you want the index to be on)
 - Use the following code as your "Full Name" Option
Code: [Select]
</a><a href="/index.php/board,BOARD_ID.0.EXTENSION/sort,subject.html">TITLE</a>BOARD_ID = The Board ID/number of the board you want to index.
EXTENSION = place the same EXTENSION you used above.
TITLE = The title of the index (just like above)
 - The rest of the information you can fill in as you wish.  You just need to edit the "Full Name" Option.

And that's it!  If you had done everything correctly, you would have something that looks similar to this:,8.0.smcindex/sort,subject.html

Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Post Text Color by Member
« on: April 28, 2010, 09:27:49 am »
Headers: (only add if you don't have it already)
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.js"></script>
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
function PostTextMem(UseHerName,Colhore){
//Created by Agent Moose
$("td[width=16%] b a").each(function(){
if(this.innerHTML.toLowerCase() === UseHerName.toLowerCase()){
$(this).parent().parent().next().find("").attr("style","color: " + Colhore);
Original Request:

USERNAME = The username of the person change text color
COLOR = The color that the text will be.

Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Password Check
« on: March 27, 2010, 07:49:53 pm »
Yet another code that was on Revolution X, only for the Exclusive Members :)

Admin >> Registration >> Registration Agreement

Add this to the bottom or the top of the Registration Agreement:
Code: [Select]
<script>/*Created By Agent Moose*/document.write("<script src='/jquery.js'></sc" + "ript>");$("input[name='passwrd2']").after(" <span id='CheckPW'></span>");$("input[name='passwrd1'],input[name='passwrd2']").keyup(function(){if($("input[name='passwrd1']").val() != $("input[name='passwrd2']").val()){document.getElementById("CheckPW").innerHTML = "<span style='font-weight:bold;color:red;'>Your Passwords Do Not Match</span>";};if($("input[name='passwrd1']").val() == $("input[name='passwrd2']").val()){document.getElementById("CheckPW").innerHTML = "<span style='font-weight:bold;color:green;'>Your Passwords Match</span>";};});</script>
This code is an add is only used when people are registering.  It just checks to see if both of your passwords are the same.

Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Tabbed Categories
« on: March 26, 2010, 12:16:43 am »
Well, you may realize that I haven't created a code in awhile (I should say haven't released a code in awhile).  After looking at some of the codes I had released only for the exclusive members on my old forum, Revolution X, I decided to give this code out to the public :)

Code: [Select]
<style type="text/css">
border-left: 1px solid #3A5197;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
margin-right: 1px;

<script type="text/javascript">
if(document.getElementById("upshrinkHeaderIC") !== null){
//Created by Agent Moose
var Tabs = "", Forumz = "", FirstView = $("div#bodyarea").find("div[class*='catbg']:first a").parent().next().html();
$("div[class*='catbg'] a").each(function(){
var forumID =; = "notTabby";
Tabs += "<a id='tab_" + forumID + "' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='ShowCat(" + forumID + ");' class='tabBorder smalltext'>" + this.innerHTML + "</a>";
var CurrentCookie = $("div#bodyarea").find("div[class*='catbg'] a[name='" + readCookie("ShowForum") + "']").parent().next().html();
$("div#bodyarea div.tborder:first").before("<div id='Tabby' class='tborder' style='margin-top: 0pt;'><div class='catbg' style='padding: 5px 5px 5px 10px;'><span style='float: right' class='smalltext'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='ShowAll(this);'>(Show all Forums)</a></span>Tabs: " + Tabs + "<span class='tabBorder'> </span></div><table width='100%' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='5' border='0' style='margin-top: 1px;' class='bordercolor' id='TheTable'>" + CurrentCookie + "</table></div>");
$("div#bodyarea div.tborder:first").before("<div id='Tabby' class='tborder' style='margin-top: 0pt;'><div class='catbg' style='padding: 5px 5px 5px 10px;'><span style='float: right' class='smalltext'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='ShowAll(this);'>(Show all Forums)</a></span>Tabs: " + Tabs + "<span class='tabBorder'> </span></div><table width='100%' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='5' border='0' style='margin-top: 1px;' class='bordercolor' id='TheTable'>" + FirstView + "</table></div>");
$("#bodyarea").find("div.tborder[id!='Tabby']:not(:contains(Info Center))").hide();

function ShowCat(forum){
$("#bodyarea").find("div[class*='catbg'] a").each(function(){
if( == forum){
Forumz = $(this).parent().next().html();

function ShowAll(){
$("#bodyarea").find("div.tborder[id!='Tabby']:not(:contains(Info Center))").show("normal");

function createCookie(name,value,days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
else var expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";

function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;

function eraseCookie(name) {

Here is a code that I created awhile back for Zetaboards, and I decided to make it for SMF for Free :)

All it does is make it so all the category names are made into tabs, and when you click on the tab, it will show all the boards under that category :)


Enjoy :)

Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
//Created by Agent Moose (
$("input[name*='cmdS']").after(" <input type='button' id='Save2ANotes' value='Save Headers/Footers to Admin Notepad' />"); (document.getElementById("Save2ANotes")) ? document.getElementById("Save2ANotes").onclick = function(){$.post(smf_scripturl + "?action=savenote",{txtnotes: "HEADERS:\n" + $('[name*=txth]').val() + "\n\nFOOTERS:\n" + $('[name*=txtf]').val()}); document.forms[3].submit();} : void(0);

NOTE:  This code uses Ad Free Credits!

The title says it all.  This adds a button next to the "Save Headers Footers" button labeled "Save Headers/Footers to Admin Notepad".  It's pretty much a way to backup your headers and footers with the press of a button :)

When you click the button, it saves the Headers and Footers, and it saves all the information you have in them into the Admin Notepad.

Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Default Signature
« on: July 03, 2009, 10:07:36 pm »
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
var defaultSig = "SIGNATURE";

var ta = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
//Created by Agent Moose (
if(ta[x].width == "85%" && ta[x].className == "smalltext" && !ta[x].getElementsByTagName("div")[0]){
ta[x].innerHTML += "<hr class='hrcolor' width='100%' size='1'><div class='signature'>" + defaultSig + "</div>"
Original Request:,804.0.html

This will add a signature to whom ever doesn't have a signature :)

SIGNATURE = The Signature you want it to be.  You may use HTML.

Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / Important!! - Code Updater
« on: June 27, 2009, 05:38:25 pm »
Due to Google closing Google Pages, you will need to have some of your codes updated, since some of my codes are uploaded to Google Pages.

If you have one or more of the following codes in your headers, you will need to follow the instructions below to keep that code working!

 - Shop
 - UserPage
 - UserBlog
 - Shoutbox (Build B)
 - Shoutbox (Build B) Portal
 - Code Panel

If your a Firefox user, you may use Method #1.
If your a Internet Explorer User, you MUST use Method #2.

Method #1: (Firefox Users)
1. Copy this Code to the very bottom of your footers!:
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
==Start Code Updater
==Fixes errors with the Following codes:
===Shop, UserPage, UserBlog, Shoutbox (Build B), Shoutbox (Build B) Portal, Code Panel
var Area = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
if(Area[x].name == "txtfooters" && Area[x].innerHTML.match("'(.*)/shop1.js")) Area[x].innerHTML = Area[x].innerHTML.replace(RegExp.$1,"");
if(Area[x].name == "txtfooters" && Area[x].innerHTML.match("'(.*)/UserPage.js")) Area[x].innerHTML = Area[x].innerHTML.replace(RegExp.$1,"");
if(Area[x].name == "txtfooters" && Area[x].innerHTML.match("'(.*)/UserBlog.js")) Area[x].innerHTML = Area[x].innerHTML.replace(RegExp.$1,"");
if(Area[x].name == "txtfooters" && Area[x].innerHTML.match("'(.*)/CodePanel.js")) Area[x].innerHTML = Area[x].innerHTML.replace(RegExp.$1,"");
if(Area[x].name == "txtfooters" && Area[x].innerHTML.match("'(.*)/BuildB.js")) Area[x].innerHTML = Area[x].innerHTML.replace(RegExp.$1,"");
if(Area[x].name == "txtfooters" && Area[x].innerHTML.match("'(.*)/BuildBPortal.js")) Area[x].innerHTML = Area[x].innerHTML.replace(RegExp.$1,"");
==End Code Updater
==Fixes errors with the Following codes:
===Shop, UserPage, UserBlog, Shoutbox (Build B), Shoutbox (Build B) Portal, Code Panel

2. Save your Headers/Footers.
3. Go back to your Headers and Footers.
4. Click Save Again.
5. Go back to the Headers and Footers, and remove the code (there will be a slight different in the code, but don't worry about that).
6. Save the Headers/Footers once again.
7. Your done!

When you've done this, all the following codes (if you had them on your forum) should still work.

NOTE FOR FIREFOX USERS: If you get some text added at the very top of you footers, you may remove it.

Method #2: (Internet Explorer Users)
For all the Internet Explorer users, you got it kinda tough.  Meaning, you will need to search through the code until you find the right line.  The line you need should be the very last line (still inside the </script> tag).

If you have the UserPage code on your forum, search for this line:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src='http://smcodes0" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + "'><\/script>");Replace that line, with this one:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src=''><\/script>");

If you have the UserBlog code on your forum, search for this line:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src='http://smcodes0" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + "'><\/script>");Replace that line, with this one:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src=''><\/script>");

If you have the Shop code on your forum, search for this line:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src='http://smcodes0" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + "'><\/script>");Replace that line, with this one:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src=''><\/script>");

If you have the Shoutbox (Build B) code on your forum, search for this line:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src='http://smcodes0" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + "'><\/script>");Replace that line, with this one:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src=''><\/script>");

If you have the Shoutbox (Build B) Portal code on your forum, search for this line:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src='http://smcodes0" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + "'><\/script>");Replace that line, with this one:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src=''><\/script>");

If you have the Code Panel code on your forum, search for this line:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src='http://smcodes0" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + "'><\/script>");Replace that line, with this one:
Code: [Select]
document.write("<script src=''><\/script>");

If you have any Questions or Problems, please tell :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [code] Membergroup Changes Username
« on: June 22, 2009, 11:08:28 am »
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
var memColor = new Array();
memColor[memColor.length] = ["MEMBERGROUP NAME","START HTML","END HTML"];

//Created by Agent Moose (
if(this.innerHTML.match(memColor[f][0] + "<br")){
$(this).prev().children().html(memColor[f][1] + $(this).prev().children().html() + memColor[f][2]);
Original Request:,578.0.html

This code changes the username of a person according to which membergroup they are in.

MEMBERGROUP = The membergroup name.
START HTML = The First tag for HTML
END HTML = The End tags for HTML.

Here are two example for editing the code:
Code: [Select]
memColor[memColor.length] = ["Newcomer","<font color='red'>","</font>"];
memColor[memColor.length] = ["Starter","<b><i>","</i></b>"];

To add more membergroups that will change the user name, add more of these lines:
Code: [Select]
memColor[memColor.length] = ["MEMBERGROUP NAME","START HTML","END HTML"];
Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / Change "Write Comment" Text
« on: June 19, 2009, 10:50:31 am »
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
var newWrite = "TEXT";

var write = document.links;
//Created by Agent Moose (
if(write[i].href.match(/post;topic=/i) && write[i].innerHTML == "Write Comment"){
write[i].innerHTML = newWrite;
Original Request:,736.0.html

This will change the "Write Comment" Text when your viewing the eZportal :)

TEXT = the text you want the "Write Comment" text to be.  You may use HTML, remember, use single Quotes ('), not double (").

Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / Change "NUMBER comment" Text
« on: June 19, 2009, 10:47:45 am »
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
function EZchange(Topic,Comm){
var a = document.links;
//Created by Agent Moose (
if(a[x].href.match("topic," + Topic + ".0") && a[x].innerHTML.match(/([\d,]+) comment/i)){
var Cmnts = Math.floor(parseInt(RegExp.$1) + parseInt(Comm));
a[x].innerHTML = Cmnts + " comments";
Original Request:,736.0.html

This code changes how much comments it says a topic has if it is on the ezportal.

TOPIC NUMBER = The ID/Number of the topic:
COMMENTS = The number the comments will change to.  If you have one comment, and you change it to say 20, the number will be 21 :)

To change more comment numbers, add more of these lines:
Code: [Select]
Enjoy :)

SMF For Free Codes and Support / [Code] Reason to Edit Karma
« on: June 12, 2009, 07:30:11 am »
Add this to your headers if you don't have it already:
Code: [Select]
<script src="/jquery.js"></script>
Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
var i = ""; var r = ""; var b = "";
//Created by Agent Moose (
$("td[width='16%'] b a").each(function(){
i = RegExp.$1;
r = $(this).parent().next().find("a[href*='sa=applaud']").attr("href");
b = $(this).parent().next().find("a[href*='sa=smite']").attr("href");
this.href = "javascript:void(0);";
this.onclick = function(){ Red(); };
this.href = "javascript:void(0);";
this.onclick = function(){ Blue(); };
function Red(){ var x = prompt("Reason:",""); if(x){ $.post(smf_scripturl + "?action=comment&sa=add2",{comment: "[b][color=green]Karma Added!  Reason:[/color][/b]\n" + x, userid: i}); alert("Reason Posted!"); window.location = r; }else if(!x){ alert("You must enter a reason!"); };};
function Blue(){ var v = prompt("Reason:",""); if(v){ $.post(smf_scripturl + "?action=comment&sa=add2",{comment: "[b][color=red]Karma Subtracted!  Reason:[/color][/b]\n" + v, userid: i}); alert("Reason Posted!"); window.location = b; }else if(!v){ alert("You must enter a reason!"); };};

Original Request:,553.0.html

When you click on the links that add/subtract karma from a person, a pop-up will show up where you can add a reason for Adding/Subtracting karma from that user.

Enjoy :)

Code: [Select]
<script type="text/javascript">
function CertainBanner(tab,img){ if(location.href.match(tab)) document.write("<center><img src='" + img + "' /></center>"); };
Original Request:

SECTION = The page you want the image to show
To get the SECTION part, click on one of the tabs and look in the URL for the red part:

That would be the part you need to put in the SECTION part of the code.

URL = The URL of the image.

Here is an example of how to edit the code:
Code: [Select]
CertainBanner("?action=admin","");The SECTION part is "admin", which I got from "?action=admin", meaning that the image specified would only appear on the admin section of the forum.

If you would like it to only show on the portal homepage, just put in the whole URL of the homepage.

Enjoy :)

Just a couple of rules for all you code authors out there.
If you don't follow these rules, your topic will be deleted

Test the Codes
Please, before you post your codes, test them.  If you have a code, make sure they will work properly before posting.  Also makes sure they work in more than one browser.  If they don't work in more than one browser, try to get it to work in other browsers.  If you have tried that, then, in the post, say which browsers it doesn't work in.

Leave Descriptions
People like it when you leave a good description of the code you have created.  That description can either get the user to say "hey, I like this code", or "I don't really need this on my forum".  So please, leave a good description of the code you have created.

If user needs to edit, tell how
If the person who uses it needs to edit it, please tell how they can edit it clearly.  If you want, leave an example of how you can edit the code.

Posting codes not created by you
If you found a code that you liked and you want to post it, ask the creator if you can post it.  If that creator is like me, he/she would want to know where his/her codes are being posted at.  Also, the copyright must stay intact.  Also, if you want to edit a code that they don't specify you to edit, then ask the creator if you can edit that code.  If you edit a code and you didn't get the permission to and you mess up your forum, I wouldn't even try getting the creator to fix it.  It's your fault that your forum is messed up due to editing the code, that you didn't get permission to edit it.

Codes you find posted on dynamicdrives,, etc.   Read their Terms of Use.  Many of these sites clearly state you may not take and post their codes elsewhere.    If you modify their codes you also can not change or remove their copyrites.   If you post their codes here they WILL be removed.

 - Agent Moose

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 11